Chapter 5 - Earth skills

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"Clarke, come on" I heard Finn say as we were running through the forest away from the river, despite my high protest against just leaving Jasper there , i wanted to go back and help him, but everyone told me that he was already gone and that there was nothing I could do ,however I refused to believe so , yes he received a spear to the chest and I know that no human can survive that just as both Finn and Clark insisted ,but I am sure as hell that I heard him scream if he was long gone as they said then he couldn't scream

A dead person can't just scream!!

Anyway here we were running away not knowing where we were or even where we were going, but if we were sure of one thing it was that if whoever shot that spear at Jasper caught us we're as good as dead, I don't know who the hell they are or what they want but I am sure as hell it's not good

We suddenly all came to a stop as Monty stumbled and fell to the ground, Finn and Octavia bent down to help him up

"Monty. Come on! We got to go!" Finn said

Octavia then spoke so I turned around to look at Monty "Monty, get up!"

but something else caught my attention , there on the ground lied a... Human skull ... a real human skull my eyes widened as I stared at it there was also a group of bones beside it

I bent down to pick the skull up only to notice that Clark was looking at it too and was right beside me as i picked it up , by looking at it now it didn't just seem as a human skull it had a weird shape to it

"who are they?" I heard Finn ask, but just as Clark read my thoughts she replied "what are they?"

"we are so screwed" Octavia spoke and I turned to her only to see the worried expression on her face which was probably the same as mine , but right then we all heard a scream ... a so familiar scream ... Jasper's

"I knew it , he is alive" I whispered to myself catching everyone's attention , I was sure that they believed me now , I didn't need another sign as I dropped the skull and sprinted back towards where we left him ,ignoring the calls I received from the others as they followed me

"where is he?!" I asked no one in particular as I reached the spot where he was supposed to be , but was surprised to find it empty , I started to look around, turning in every possible direction but with no use , he was no where in sight

"Jade, Clark , wait ! Wait. Stay out of the trees" Finn yelled as they arrived behind me

"he was right there" Finn stated , I knew we shouldn't have left him if only I haven't listened to them and stayed back to help him , who ever did this to him must have came back to finish the job but why?!

" No. Where is he?!" Monty asked and I just couldn't help the guilt ,how could I tell him that his best friend was taken by whoever tried to kill him , if anybody told me that about either Clark or Wells , I would probably murder him

"they took him" Clarke spoke and I finally broke , I couldn't control my Feelings anymore as I quickly turned around and punched the nearest tree causing a wave of pain to shot through my fist but it was nothing compared to the pain I felt on the inside...

On The Ark

Abby walked into the Lab which was in complete chaos , however she didn't pay much attention to that as her eye concentrated on the screen that had the name of the kids on it along with their vital state , but what surprised her was the fact that the dark tiles covering some of their names was growing by the minute

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