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Stage one was ending as she got to the pit box and Ryan was currently in 10th and behind both William, Kyle Larson, and Christopher Bell.

"Where's he at?" Maddy asked as she put in her headphones and sat next to Lisa.

"10th right now. He's got plenty of time. Where are the kids?" She asked, noticing that she didn't have the kids in tow.

"They are in the bus. My parents were able to get here so I could come out here," she grinned, turning on his scanner as he came in for tires and fuel.

During stage 2, Christopher Bell lost his brake roaters and was out of the race. Besides that, nothing special happened besides Ryan cussing on the scanner and becoming very snappy.

"Stay calm in there baby. You got this," she whispered to herself, wishing that he could hear her. She was glad to hear Roger Penske talking and telling him to keep his cool.

He finished stage 2 in 6th place and the last stage was going to be when the pressure cooker boiled over. Ryan came in for tires and fuel again before battling with the 24 and 5 for the second-place spot.

Kyle Larson was currently in front of him but Ryan was coming quick. Ryan was above Larson and as he was passing by, the 5 got loose and gave Ryan plenty of time to get by.

The last 50 laps were nothing short of anxiety-ridden as Maddy held onto the 12 necklace that Ryan had bought her.

"Just stay there Ryan," Maddy whispered, unable to watch anymore as she covered her face with her hands.

She couldn't watch the last lap to save her own life. It was too nerve-wracking.

As soon as she heard Jonathan tell him he did a great job and he was the champion, again.

Maddy teared up as she saw him get his flag and started doing a small burnout. By the time she got down from the pit box, he was out of the car and ready to meet her halfway.

"You did it!! I'm so proud of you!!" She squealed, running right into his open arms. "I'm so proud of you Ryan!"

"I couldn't do it without you Maddy," he sniffled, hugging her tightly.

"Don't get emotional on me. I'm already crying," she laughed, kissing him before she let go.

Hailey and Jay came out with the kids while Ryan was doing his interview on the front stretch, and Luke couldn't help himself. The 5-year-old simply ran over and hugged his father's legs before he was lifted into a hug.

"You did so good daddy!"

"Thanks, buddy," Ryan grinned, hugging the little boy tightly before setting him down.

Hailey handed Charley to Maddy who went over to hand the baby to her father.

"Hi baby girl," Ryan grinned as he took the month-old baby and kissed her head.

They took a little bit longer on the front stretch before moving the car to the Championship celebration area. They got pictures with the trophy and a few interviews done before Ryan and his team sprayed champagne at each other. Maddy made sure to stand back as she had the kids but she loved watching him.

Chase and Bailey came over, stopping by Maddy first to see the baby and Luke.

"Uncle Chase!" Lukas grinned, jumping up as Chase lifted him off the ground.

"Hey little man," Chase chuckled, "You excited for dad?"

"Yeah! Daddys the champion again!" The little boy nodded, hugging Bailey after he was set down.

Maddy watched as Chase went up and spoke to Ryan for a minute, seeing Brad Keselowski and several other drivers come up to congratulate him. She was obviously extremely proud of him.

They took a few pictures with the trophy as a family and Maddy got one of Ryan holding Charley with Luke standing in front of him.

He did a few interviews there while everyone moved into the media center for the actual press conference. While it was quiet, Maddy fed the baby and gave Luke a snack while they waited for the room to fill in. She knew Ryan was going to change before coming in so they had a little time.

Ryan was there a little bit later while Maddy was holding the squirmy baby. He sat down at first, took one look at his little family and got back up, walked over to Maddy, and stole the baby from her.

"Luke you wanna come sit up here?"

"Can I Mommy?" Luke asked, looking at Maddy for permission.

"Yes," she chuckled, "Only if Daddy gives me a kiss,"

"Easy," Ryan shrugged, kissing her before he took both kids up to the front.

Maddy watched with a huge smile, loving the fact that he was the champion but she also loved watching him simply be a father. Charley's little fist was clutching part of his fire suit while Luke sat next to him, barely able to see over the table.

"So obviously we've been keeping a secret," he chuckled, patting Charley's back lightly. "Baby's first race and baby's first championship,"

He got a few questions about the race, some about the baby but mostly about the battle with the 1 car.

After the press conference, they got a few family photos with the trophy again, as well as the banner that was now on the wall of Phoenix Raceway. Hailey and Jay took the kids back to the bus while Maddy stayed with Ryan and watched the rest of the media circus.

When they got back to the bus, Hailey and Jay headed back to their hotel.

While Ryan was showering, Maddy got the piece of wedding cake, she'd thrown in the fridge before the race to defrost a little.

"You know what today is?" Maddy asked, sitting at the dinette with their cake.

"Is that a piece of our wedding cake?"

"It is. I froze it," she grinned.

"Well. I'd say today is roughly one year since I asked you to marry me," he nodded as both of them got a bite of their cake, "Best decision I've made,"

"1 year and 2 kids later," she smiled, "I love you Ryan,"

"I love you too Maddy,"

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