Italian Marble

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“You’re telling me you LIVE here?! Your living room’s bigger than my apartment!”

     Zak looked up, grinning at the glass ceiling. “It’s cold as fuck in the winter though, so if you’re staying for longer than a week I’ll have to get you some warmer clothes.” Zak nodded, fingers brushing over what must have been marble. “Inherited it, my grandparents lived here before me,” Rowan explained, bounding up the stairs. He stopped at the top, looking down at Zak. “You live here alone?” The demon asked, joining Rowan at the uppermost stair. “Yeah, I mean there’s maids and butlers and shit, the bartender’s pretty cool I guess, but none of them say much.” Rowan looked up, leaning back. “It’ll be nice to have some actual company,” He mumbled, strolling down the hallway. “This one’s mine, those are spare rooms if you need one,” Zak nodded, laying his hand over a doorknob. “I’ll uh, I’ll be back with some clothes,” Rowan left, leaving Zak to his thoughts.

‘He’s oddly nice, makes no sense. Unless he’s a-’

‘Mia doesn’t sound that bad, I wonder if she did something worse than just being a bitch,’

‘That chandelier must be expensive, wonder how much it’d go for in a pawn shop,’

Rowan’s weird. Really fuckin’ weird. But he seems smart..enough,’

Probably around three thousand, given its brass. If it’s gold, at least twelve.’

That statue looks stealable,’

What kinda bird is ‘e? There’s feathers everywhere!”

Zak had stepped into Rowan’s room, glancing around the slightly messy area. Posters covered every wall, and Rowan must’ve kept the canopy bed the room had come with.

He’s a metalhead?’

Zak looked closer at the posters. They were all for indie, rock, and metal bands.

That’s..kind of hot,’

Zak sat on the bed, lying down in the plush comforters. It smelled of Rowan. He let out a soft sigh, tail thumping the bed in slight excitement.

What if me an’ hi-’

Zak! Where’d you run off to?”

Zak sat up, shouting a response.

     “Oh, there you are,” Rowan dropped clothes off in Zak’s lap, flopping down onto the bed. “Yeah, uh, could I sleep in here tonight? It reminds me of an old friend’s,” Zak asked, his face red as he kicked his shoes off and began undressing. “Uh..sure, that’s..that’s fine,” Rowan got up, flicking the light switch and plunging the room into darkness, save for the bedside lamp. “Great,” Zak whispered, lying down on the bed and laying his hands on his freshly clothed abdomen. “Great,” Rowan copied, lying on his side. “I uh, usually sleep nude, considering…” He trailed off, gesturing to his feather-spattered legs. “That’s fine, I’ve seen the genitals of my aunt Jane. I can handle a naked bird, Rowan,” Rowan chuckled nervously, stripping and covering himself with the duvet.
     “Not gonna let me see?” Zak had sat up, causing the comforter to rise and fall to Rowan's waist. “That's alright,” Zak scooted closer to Rowan, shifting to his side and wrapping an arm around his chest. Rowan stiffened, the skin pressing against Zak’s arm felt like it was on fire. “Do you wanna cuddle?” Rowan relaxed, nodding. “That'd be nice, it's easier to sleep with someone for me, especially in this house,” Rowan mumbled, his eyes closing as he rolled over on top of Zak. The demon wrapped his arms around Rowan, not minding the fuzzy feeling of soft down tickling his arms. “I could get used to this, y'know, having a cute bird in my arms as I sleep,” Zak whispered, a hand migrating to Rowan’s hair and tangling in it. “Mm, I could too..” Rowan trailed off, his breathing deepening and slowing until Zak was sure he was asleep.

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