No, normal's overrated,

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"Morning, Chirpy,"

     Rowan blinked, confused. "Who're you again?" Zak grinned, a hand running through Rowan's hair. "Zak, the guy you summoned last night?" Rowan tilted his head, sitting up. His legs were on either side of Zak, hands in the sheets. "Oh, uh," He went red, scurrying off of Zak and back under the blankets. He pulled his legs to his chest, eyebrows furrowed. "You're alright, I'm not the type to try stuff like that," Rowan didn't answer. "How-I-What the fuck?" Zak chuckled, a hand on Rowan's knee. "How did I convince you to let me stay? You offered, Row," Rowan nodded. "Yeah, I uh, I remember now," He took a deep breath, Adam's-Apple bobbing with a gulp. "You okay?" Rowan nodded, still curled up. "Anxious, I guess, are you hungry?" Zak nodded, shifting to let Rowan climb out of bed. "I have eggs, uhm, sausage, I think I'm out of red meat," Rowan mumbled, pulling a shirt on. He slid into a pair of boxers, stepping out of the room. Zak followed, cracking his neck as Rowan led him down the stairs. "So, your uh, horns?" He asked, gesturing to the masses of bone on top of Rowan's head. "Oh, my dad was a faun," Rowan shrugged, rolling his shoulders and his sleeves. "I've got his eyes too. In what I've seen, my mother had blue eyes," Rowan smiled, picking a pan from the cabinet. "Could you hand me the eggs?" He gestured to the fridge loosely, switching the stove on and pouring oil into the pan. "What're we having?" "I dunno, how does pancakes sound?" Rowan asked, reaching up for a box of flour. "From scratch? Fuck yeah!" Zak cheered, arms in the air. "Great, grab the milk for me would ya'?" Zak handed the carton to Rowan, shutting the fridge. 

     "Thanks," Rowan said, adding it to the mixture. Zak hopped onto the counter, grinning widely. "Why're you so giddy?" Rowan raised an eyebrow, a hand pulling at a feather. "I uh, I dunno," Zak shrugged, jumping down. He stepped over to Rowan, pressing against him to gaze at the feathers on his neck. Rowan paid no attention to him, continuing his task at hand. "Do they bother you?" Zak mumbled, fingers brushing the little specks of keratin. "Sometimes, they itch really bad though," Rowan tilted his head, letting Zak's nails soothe the bothersome quills. "That'd suck," Zak paused, his other hand lying on Rowan's abdomen. "Do you have anything for it?" Sapphire hands ran along his side, thumbs squeezing softly. "No, I mean, there's stuff for it, just not here, and it takes forever to get here from Australia." Rowan articulated, taking a moment to dig his nails into his neck. He scratched, fingers reaching into his hair, where the feathers were dense and clustered. "I'm gonna be honest I'm kind of not liking my mother right now," Rowan admitted, groaning as Zak's hands helped. "Here-Just-" Rowan took Zak's hands, placing them on his shoulders. "Scratch while I make breakfast, alright?" Zak nodded, stroking Rowan's pale skin as he worked. After a while, Rowan sighed, wiping his forehead with a towel. Zak stepped away, leaning onto the kitchen island. "Alright, do you want anything else?" Rowan stepped toward the fridge, hand on the handle. "Nah, but do you have any peanut butter?" Rowan nodded, tossing the jar of peanut butter to Zak. He caught it, unscrewing the lid and spreading it on his pancakes. Zak handed it back, leaning on the island to eat. 

     "These are really good, Rowan," Zak mumbled, practically stuffing his mouth with the food. "Thanks, my ex taught me how to make them." Rowan grinned sitting on the counter. Zak nodded, finishing off his pancakes. "Your ex?" "Yeah, he's dead." Rowan shrugged, doing the same. "You're uh, odd," Zak mumbled, tossing the paper plate into the trash. "Is that bad?" Rowan was on the stairs, hand on the railing. "No, normal's overrated," Zak joined him, stepping up the stairs. "It is," Rowan leaned on the balcony, overlooking the living room, dining room, and kitchen. "Anyways, uh, when am I gonna y'know, send Mia six feet under?" Rowan tilted his head, blinking. "No clue, when do you wanna?" Zak shrugged, mumbling an "I dunno" as he stood by Rowan. "I'll have to bring you to school sometime, introduce you to everyone." Zak nodded bluntly, considering tossing himself off the railing for a moment. It wouldn't hurt, he couldn't break bones. But he didn't, figuring it'd scare Rowan to death. "It'd be smart, I need to know the person I'm getting rid of," Rowan nodded. "I could throw a party, invite Mia's brother, he'll invite her," Rowan planned, stretching his arms. "A party? Here?" Rowan nodded, gesturing to the space below. "There's a massive garden out back, I've got an entire team of greenskeepers to manage it," Zak smiled. "Can I see?" Rowan took his hand, leading him to the balcony doors. 

     "There's stairs leading down, it's beautiful at night, with all the lanterns and lights and flowers," Zak nodded, elbows on the white metal railing. "I'd figure, it looks amazing in the day too," Rowan grinned, stepping down the wooden stairs. Zak followed, hand gliding along the banister. "There are a couple of monuments around here, one of my dad, another of my mother, my sister was never alive long enough to get one," Rowan rolled his shoulders, only now realising he hadn't fully dressed. "Are you cold?" Zak turned to Rowan, arms open in invitation. Rowan shivered, stepping forward and letting out a soft sigh, breath clouding in the cold morning air. Zak wrapped his arms around him, pulling him to sit in the grass. Rowan curled up, hissing at the cold. Zak pulled him closer, hand running through his fluffy mop. "You're so-" "Don't talk, just..stay," Zak murmured, face in Rowan's hair. The bird nodded, tail swishing in the cold air. Rowan huffed, pulling away and standing. He helped Zak up, holding his hand as they walked back to the mansion.

haha funny random update

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