Winter in Brooklyn, NY,

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     Tanner sighed, a hand running through his near-white hair. "You're an idiot, Tan," Jacob shrugged, leaning on the railing beside Tanner. "Can't say I'm not," Jacob grinned, eyes half-lidded. Tanner scoffed, rolling his eyes as Jacob tossed the rest of his cigarette over the concrete barrier. "You should stop that," Jacob raised an eyebrow. "..smoking, you know," Tanner went red at his words, embarrassed slightly. "Oh so now you're a goody-two-shoes?" Jacob stood up straight, already fishing out the pack of Marlboro's. "No, I'm worried you'll die at thirty from lung cancer," Tanner defended, hand on Jacob's shoulder. He shrugged him off, lighting another cancer stick and taking a drag. "Why? Your parents hate me, yet you still come with me out here-uninvited, may I add," Jacob crossed his arms, shaking his head at the falling clumps of snow overhead. "You need company, Jacob," Tanner reminded, reaching for Jacob's hand. "I've lived long enough without much company, I'll be fine," Jacob uttered, not taking his hand away. "I know, I know, but isn't it, nice? Having company?" Tanner asked, stepping closer. "For you, maybe," Jacob huffed, tossing his half-smoked cigarette away and leaning into Tanner's neck. "Quit lying to yourself, Jake," Jacob shuddered, fingers creeping up Tanner's jacket and his shirt. "I'm-I'm not," He stammered, teeth chattering at the growing cold. "You are, Jake. I know you don't enjoy everybody's company, but you at least enjoy mine," Jacob hissed, lips pressing against Tanner's neck. Tanner held Jacob, arms around his waist as the smaller pressed against his shoulder. "I swear, if you make me fall I'm pulling you with me," Jacob laughed, pressing his face into Tanner's neck, hands in his denim jacket. Tanner brushed a clump of snow from his hair, hands flinging the watery substance from Jacob's dark hair. "I love you," Jacob mumbled, hot breath warming Tanner's cold ear. Tanner shivered, hands up Jacob's shirt in an effort to warm them. "Love you too, Jacob," He whispered, teeth clicking as he shook slightly. "Come on, let's go home," Jacob pulled Tanner along, gloved hands holding his as they walked home.

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