Chapter 17: A Blonde's Envy

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(Opening Theme :D!)


I'm glad Meigu bought a phone for him, but I wonder why he picked something so simple. Maybe it's because it'll be Mewtwo's first time owning one. Whatever, I just hope this way, I can call and check up on him every once in a while. Faint, content, a smile broadened on the brunette's face when she pondered. Her knees pressed together neatly and her eyes gazed upon the boxed device. It wasn't noticeable to Matsuo who kept begging another Pokemon to help train Hornet.

"Alright! One of my Pokemon finally decided to help. My Hitmonchan, she's sort of excited to fight a bug Pokemon so I told her to make sure not to use Fire Punch on him, since he needs to train and not get clocked out right away, haha!~" Nervous, Matsuo was, as he chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head.

"Hitmonchan? Does she have a name too?" Curious, her hazel hues blinked after she adjusted her pant leg, which curled up her shin no thanks to her cross-legged position. The grass she sat in was rather soft under her fingers when one hand rested on the ground, it was nice and warm inside his Private Dojo. The temperature helped her relax a little from the trek, for the cold of Fall made it difficult to so much as stay warm; her cottony pants did her little justice.

"Ah... Well, she's new and doesn't have as much experience in battle as my other Pokemon but-- she's always eager to take on new challenges. I've yet to come up with a name for her and I honestly don't know if she'd appreciate it or not," His finger scratched his cheek when he looked over to Hornet, he saw how the Beedrill and Hitmonchan drew closer together in the middle of the arena.

"What about..." Trailing, pondering, a finger pressed against her lip as she thought long and hard. There could be many names to choose from, ranging between cool ones and pretty ones, but the first two that came to mind after a minute seemed to catch her attention. "Why not Bailey or Mazie?" The moment she suggested those names, she watched the buff man hum questionably and look to the ceiling of his dojo in thought.

"Bailey doesn't seem right. Mazie... I'll have to ask her about it when she's done with Hornet. It's best to let the Pokemon choose what they would prefer to be called, right?" With a thumbs-up and a bright, toothy grin, he looked at her. His positive energy radiated from him like a warm sun on a comfortable Spring day, an energy Marceline was rather addicted to now.

A cute giggle escaped her lips when she averted her eyes, for the smile that curled up was barely hidden behind her long, wavy, brown bangs over her one eye. She didn't see the expression he donned when she did that.

Why is she so cute?! Matsuo did his best not to show it, but his faintly red cheeks proved how much he adored her attempt to hide. If anything, deep down, he wished she wouldn't so he could see her smiles and lit-up eyes more.

"Y- Yeah... It'd be respectful in a way. Anyway-- um..." Her heart nearly skipped a beat when he sat down next to her, with his legs crossed, and gave her a hug around her opposite shoulder. The feel of his arm around her, his smell, and his closeness were enough to cause her face to heat up.

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