Chapter 20: Mel...

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(Opening theme! :D)


"Torch, you can't fight Kuro-- try and handle the other Blaziken if you can! Makage, support Prince!" Meigu's smarts began to shine as he tossed his second Pokeball that he had taken out alongside Lucario's.

Out came Hops, the Breloom, who took a fighting stance and glanced at her trainer. "Hops, I need you to get the Liepard and Beedrill to safety, when they're distracted," Quietly he whispered and looked down at a very understanding Breloom. When he saw her nod, he watched her jump back to let the fight commence and hopefully give her an opening.

( It's Kuro's final theme! :D)

"Prince, use Psycho cut on Kuro!" With a finger pointed out, Prince bolted after the Gengar and leaped to avoid a Shadow Ball. He was quick, for his amber eyes could hardly keep up when Kuro flew past and shot another one.

Against the Gengar's side came a Sucker Punch from the Lucario to his face and sent him high into the air, similar to a Sky Uppercut.

Why have you gone so low, as to do that to her and her other friends?! Furious, in his Pokemon language, Prince cried out and jumped into the air after the Gengar.

The next thing he knew, he received a Shadow Ball to his face and made him crash into the ground. However, he was quick to get back to his feet, for he flipped backward and regained his combat stance. Beside him, Makage joined up and gave the ghost type a strict stare that many would run from.

Why wouldn't I? They were going to get in my way... For the first time in a very long time, Kuro spoke in his Poke' tongue and answered. With haste, his eyes glowed and Psychic was used to send Makage off to the side. He quickly put his hands together to form a Shadow Ball larger than his own body.

Prince had to leap out of the way to avoid it and saw an explosion of black cover the ground near the base of the Treehouse. "Another Psycho Cut! Wait until he's about to charge his attack, then strike!" The orders from his Trainer were received, for the shiny Gallade nodded to him and continued to avoid smaller Shadow Balls that were thrown.

Close to the ground he sped through the other trees and weaved, like a ninja; images of an old friend soon filled his mind. His position, and the way he ran, reminded him of when he once watched an old friend battle it out against another. The old friend was a tall and green Pokemon, almost like a reptile, for he could still remember the look in his eyes.

However, Makage snapped him out of his memories when he saw him move. "Makage-- Shadow Claw, while he's distracted by Prince!" The Gallade watched Lucario's paws become shrouded in shadow as violet outlined the shape of a claw. Whirling in place, he hit the Gengar and just barely missed another Shadow Claw that was on his foot when he went to drop-kick him.

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