Chapter 8

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Everyone returned to their normal life. Though Mark became busy but you were controlling his mind. Everything he did reminded him of you. You also got busy with your patients. But everytime while attending the patients, you would think of Mark. Mark could forget you but then again Jackson and jr never let him forget. They used to tease Mark and after that Mark's face used to turn red.

Almost fifteen days passed. It was too long because Mark was confused. He was not able to take any decision. Then he decided to take help from his best friend, Jackson.

[Bold for Mark ; Normal for Jackson]

Hey Jackson ! What should I do ?

About Rian ? See ! So you do like her. Well try to meet her.

But when ? She is always busy at the hospital.

Then go to her hospital and meet her. Simple !

But you know that if I go to the hospital without any reason then the fans will go crazy.

Um.........then wait for someone to fall sick or something.

But......alright then.

Mark started thinking of what to do. So he went to Jr to ask for a favor.

[A/N : Hey there guys ! Sorry that the chapter is short but I wanted to ask you something. What do you guys think Mark will ask Jr for ? ahh well we will see in the next chapter till then "Die out of curiosity readers" just kidding I will let you guys know soon but just remember that we r close to the main part. Mark will be committing the stupid thing soon~. And did you guys notice there was a MARKSON moment !! ah I love Markson !!]

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