Chapter 4

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Now it was the day, when Mark would be discharged from the hospital. You went to meet him thinking that this might be the last time.

[Bold for Mark ; Italics for Rian]

So Mark today you are gonna get discharged. But that doesn't mean that you will be running around. Though you are getting discharged, you will have to take care. Don't ractice the flips for now and don't put that much pressure on that leg. AND I do not want to see you on this hospital bed again so be careful.

Mark started laughing though deep inside he was a bit sad too. Soon he and his members left the hospital and you went back to your work. 

At first, you were a bit sad but then you thought that it was enough for you because you atleast got the chance to meet him.

But something did not seem right in Mark. He was sad and was thinking about you. After reaching the dorm, the members noticed that he became more quiet than he usually stayed.

Then Jr and Jackson went up to Mark to talk to him.

[Bold for Mark ; Both for Jackson ; Italics for Jr]

Hey Mark ! What happened ? Why are you so sad ?

It's nothing

There must be something you are sad about. SO what is it tell us 

Maybe I am tired of lying on this bed.

At the hospital also you were on bed BUT you weren't sad at that time so now ?

No ! It's really nothing

Do you miss the doctor ? What was her name ? I forgot 

You mean Dr.Rian

Yes. Dr.Rian ?

No no it's nothing

Right at that time JB called everyone for dinner. This was how Mark did not have to face anymore questions.

Now even a week could not pass but Mark caught cold. He used to cough a lot but he did not want to bother anyone so he tried to keep that to himself. But one night, he started feeling very bad. Jackson was worried so he checked the temperature and saw that Mark was having a very high fever of around 103 degree F. Mark was not only having fever, he even started vomitting. So the GOT7 members decided to take him to the hospital before the situation got worse.

On the other hand, that night you were supposed to have night shift. After checking out all the patients, you returned to your cabin to take some rest. That was when a nurse informed that there was an emergency. You quickly got up and followed where the nurse was leading you......

[A/N : Hope you guys are still reading ! and Sorry for the late update actually I have a lot of homework left but I thought that I must also look after my readers so just took out some time to update the Chapter 4. 

By the way did anyone notice that I put some spice of Markson in here ? Well yeah I love Markson their friendship is just the best, always there for each other. Love them too much.

Oh yeah I was thinking of writing a fanfiction on Kris so shall I go for it ? Like Wu YiFan's fanfiction I don't know what to do ? I guess if you guys like this story then I am going to go for it cause I really wanna write that one !!!!! so READERS encourage me to write that one. and Don't worry I will try my best to update again till then KEEP ON READING.

And and and did you guys see the message of Jr on the fan board ? well then check it out here :  
it seems that GOT7 is going to have a comeback soon I guess ???  what do you guys think after reading it ??]

*Credit of the translation of the tweet to the rightful owner

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