4: Trade

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I walked into my room still looking at the floor, "Wow these sweatpants are super comfortable!" Calum said. I looked up to see he was wearing my sweatpants, he was standing as if he were a superhero with his hands on his hips and feet shoulder length apart, and he was looking out into nowhere.

"Dude my sweatpants!" I laughed, but I was kind of mad. "I'm glad I might forget this." I mumbled to myself.

Calum laughed, "THIS," he said pointing to the sweatpants, " is going to be burned into your memory FOREVER!"

I stopped for a second. I don't want him to know, and I really don't want to ruin this moment. "You're right, this is burned into my memory. Now can I get my sweatpants back?"

"You have like 6 more pairs!" Calum said as he laid on my bed.

"But that's my favorite pair." I complained.

"Fine." He got up and pulled off my sweatpants and threw them at me.

"Well thanks!" I said sarcastically.

"Your welcome." he started going through my suitcase and put on another pair.

"Don't you have your own clothes?"

"Why don't you share clothes?" he pouted.

"Well, 1) I haven't known you any longer than 30 minutes and 2) your a dude!" we both started laughing.

"How about we make it even?"

"How do you do that?"

"Be right back." He walked over to my window and opened it. The houses were really close to each other so he opened the window next door and climbed into the room. "Mom I'm home, but I'll be back later!" Calum yelled out the bed room door.

"Did you go through the window?" Joy yelled back.

"Maybe..." he said inconspicuously as he walked over and rummaged through his drawers.

"Just be careful, okay?" she said with a concerned voice.

"Okay mom." he closed the door and continued going through his drawers.

I walked up to the window, "So, not only are we next door neighbors, but we're next window neighbors?"

"Yes, which has a lot of advantages." Calum said as he continually went through his drawers.

"And disadvantages too." I said laughing.

"That's very true, but one of the advantages is that we can steal things from one another's ."

"Is that an advantage for me or you?"

"Both of us. And you Rose, are quite the pessimist."

"Oh you have a vocabulary?"

"See that's what I'm talking about!"

"I'm not a pessimist, I think of both sides of situations, it just happens that you are mentioning all the good sides and none of the bad. I also ask a lot of questions to keep me out of trouble."

"You talk a lot."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Depends on what you talk about."

"That's true, but I wouldn't have to talk as much if you talked longer you know?"

"Also very true." I moved aside as Calum climbed back through the window and into my room. "Here's your advantage." Calum handed me a beanie.

I chuckled, "I have my own beanies Calum."

"And I have my own sweatpants... but things are better when they aren't yours."

"At least I'm not the only person that thinks that way." I began walking around my room, I'm kind of nervous, I'm running out of topics. "So what grade are you in?"

"Going into 11th. Aren't you only going into 9th?"

"Yep... is your school like my old one, where they make fun of the incoming freshman?"

"Yes, but I won't let that happen to you." Calum said, he embraced me in a hug. Okay, I might be better at this guy thing than I thought. But then again, Australia isn't like California so far. The guys in California are assholes and don't understand anybody except for their own type.

"Thanks. Cause I'm going to have a tough time." And I'm not talking about being new, but about the fact that I can forget things at any given time.

A/N: So this seems like a useless chapter, but it'll mean things in the next chapter. Love You Always.

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