18: Twins

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"Why don't you go ahead and get some sleep. I've heard you've had a pretty long day." Liz said to me with a wide smile.

"Okay, goodnight." I said as I hugged them all and went to sleep.

(One week later)


I was in the backseat of a car. My parents were talking while I listened to the quiet radio. Then all I saw was a bright light before everything went black.

I woke up to find my parents... dead.


I woke up with a scream and Luke burst into my room.

"What's wrong?!" he said in a panicked yet sleepy voice.

"I'm so sorry, I had another nightmare. Everything is okay." I said quietly as if the house were still undisturbed.

"Was it the car crash?" he asked sympathetically. I just nodded my head in the darkness of my room. "It's been a week Rose since you've been here. You'll be okay, I promise." Luke said sitting beside me and giving me a hug.

"Thanks Luke." I said in a whisper. He left the room and I slowly drifted of to sleep again.

I woke up at about 10am with another scream. Liz was frightened by my scream and she kept asking what it was about and if I was okay. I told her the story about my parents and that I'm fine, that I just need time to calm down.

"Are you sure you're right?" Liz asked. I'm still getting used to Australian slang. In America people would think she's asking if I'm correct, but she's asking if I'm okay.

"I'm positive that I'm right." I said smiling. I was trying to get her to calm down at this point.

"Okay hun, what do you want for breakfast?"

I shrugged, "Just some eggs I guess. I'm gonna take a run before breakfast though." She nodded, got up and left my room. I got up and closed my door, I put some of my clothes away and changed. I wore my normal racer-top, black running shorts, running shoes, hair in a high ponytail, and as always my 'Partners in Crime' bracelet.

I exited the house and started to run towards my aunt Karen's house. I made it there and stopped to take a breathe. I heard a door open and saw Calum walking my way. Probably going over to hang out with Mikey I guess. He saw me unfortunately. He smiled at me and waved. I rolled my eyes and continued with my running.

I heard fast footsteps behind me and then Calum was running at my side. "What did I do wrong, Rose?"

"You didn't let me finish a sentence and you didn't believe me."

"I'm sorry okay? Can you just accept my apology and move on?!" Calum said loudly.

"Depends on if I see you for a while." I said.

"What do you mean?" he asked in confusion.

"I'm not living there anymore. I live somewhere else. Did you not hear?"

"Hear what?"

"My own aunt put me up for adoption and now I live with a new family. And just so you know, part of this is your fault." I said like it was no big deal.

"How is this my fault?!" Calum was shocked by what I had said to him, most people would be.

"If you would've let me explain, I would've been with my aunt Karen, Mikey, Andrea, and Trevor. She said that last night proved to her that she needed me to leave."

Calum rolled his eyes, lThat is not my fault, she was going to get rid of you anyways."

"Not as quickly as she did though. Now if you don't mind, can leave and go hang out with our lying girlfriend?"

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