v. bloody messes at breakfast

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v. bloody messes at breakfast

          LEAVING HER ROOM THE NEXT MORNING, the two tributes, Effie and Haymitch watch Avonlea walk to the bar silently. The first thing they notice is the large blood stain on her white nightgown, then the dark circles under her eyes.

Avonlea grabs herself a glass and two different drinks. She fills a quarter of the cup with orange juice then tops the rest of the glass off with vodka. No one says a word as she sits down at the far end of the table, isolated from everyone else.

She can feel everyone staring holes into her as she avoids the breakfast foods left out on the table and instead opts to drink her orange juice. "You guys start training today?" She asks to divert all the awkward attention off herself. She hated being the elephant in the room that everyone was itching to address.

"Yeah- are you alright?" Peeta finally questions her as everyone else silently thanks him for taking one for the team. 

"You shouldn't show off your skills too much, show the other tributes just enough so that they know you can do something, but will still not know what to expect in the arena-"

"Why don't you tell us about your crazy night huh? Let's have a nice little breakfast story time" Haymitch gestures to the mess that is herself as he reaches across the table to retrieve her vodka bottle and mix some into his drink.

"You only have a week of training, you must use it to your advantage-"

"Would you like me to call someone to get you some new clothes darling?" Effie interrupts her advice to ask yet Avonlea continues to speak, giving no acknowledgement to anyone's concerns.

"This training teaches you more than how to fight, it will also teach you to survive-"

"Okay I think it's time for you two to go. Effie will walk you to the training grounds" Haymitch claps his hands together and stands up to usher Katniss and Peeta out of the penthouse. Once they are gone he turns back to the dining table where Avonlea was once sat but has now moved back to the bar to refill her drink with a different mixture: lemonade and champagne.

"Now that is a very interesting mixture. Wanna talk about why you showed up to breakfast a bloody mess? no pun intended" Haymitch questions as he comes to her side and lightly places a hand on her shoulder. She jerks away from his touch and instead of returning to her pulled out chair, she takes a seat on the couch with her drink in hand and the other reaching for the television remote.

Haymitch, realising he is getting no where with the conversation, decides to check out Avonlea's room to see if he can find the answers to his inquiries. To his surprise, a trail of blood across the room painted out a story of destruction, breakdowns and finally, exhaustion.

As if on cue, Effie returns to the penthouse and walks by Haymitch to find the mess in Avonlea's room. She gasps, leaving her mouth hanging open as she enters the room and inspects the damage. 

"Did she do this?" Effie asks with tears almost welling up in her eyes. She avoids all traces of blood as she walks across the room and mourns the once delicate and beautiful furniture which was now left in ruins.

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