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▪︎// Away // ▪︎


You woke up, before hurriedly getting ready to visit the company today.

You're getting the deal and then you'll exit from the office and then back to your kitchen, that you haven't visited for a while now.

You're still trying to ignore everything that happened the last night.

And so you'll just send your father's secretary to the jeon's, for the meeting and stuffs.

Yes, now you'll keep yourself away from the guy who took your virginity.

It still sounds awakward to you, but you can't deny that you can feel the shame.

You glanced at your reflection for the last time before exiting your apartment.

You walked on the street before catching a cab and then finally arriving at the company.

Good thing that no one knows you have been working in your father's place, ever since he's in hospital, though except his secretary, Mr. Wang.

Well, no one have the idea that Mr. Han aka your father have another daughter other than your step-sister.

And it's because you don't really want the attention to be the spotlight.

It's just the thing between you, your father and the close ones in the contact.

You hurriedly went inside the cabin, that of course belongs to your father.

You checked the e-mail and as said, the mail was already there from the jk groups. You sighed before arranging the important things and informed Mr. Wang about the required files.

You breathed out when everything was finally settled.

You stood up from the couch and went down towards the kitchen area, before getting changed into your uniform.

The black apron always looked nice on you.

Talking about the ranking, you're the assistant for the main chef, while there are two other that works under you.

Little weird that there's just the four of you.

You're anyways not going to cook here forever.

You have the dream of having a restaurant of your own, and yeah, you are working on it.

You started working in the kitchen with the main chef as the other two haven't arrived yet.

"I see, you're finally back" spoke Jackson, nephew of Mr. Wang, your father's secretary.

"Yeah" you said smiling awakwardly.

"So...everything's good now?" He asked chopping the vegetables.


You again gave the same small reply to him, which he found little odd.

" something wrong?" He asked now keeping away the knife and bringing his attention on you.

Meanwhile you were little taken aback by his question.

"'s just-...appa is still not well"  you forwarded the best excuse you got.

Cause you're really not prepared to tell anyone about the 'one night stand' you had yesterday, at least not him and on top if it, it was with the chief executive of the Jeon groups, no way.


He just shortly replied with a 'hmm' before again picking up the knife to continue chopping.

You on the other hand started with preparing other stuffs.

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