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▪︎//The night sky// ▪︎


You walked stumbling with smokey eyes completely drunken, making your way through the crowd of sweaty bodies.

Some guys standing at the corner of the floor looked at you with a smirk plastered on their face.

You completely lost your sense, but somehow tried to make your way out, finding the back door, with the sweat buds forming on your forehead.

Your lips were parted lightly gasping for air and your amber eyes were trying not to shut down.

And that's when you felt something wet on your exposed shoulder sending chills to your spine.

You felt yourself being pulled back and collide with a strong body, making you hiss in reflex.

And next you felt a muscular hand running all over your body, making you jolt and this time sending spark to the texture of your skin.

Opening your tired eyes you got a glimpse of tattoo in the person's veiny hand which gave you another chill of the day.

It was not after too long that you felt yourself stumbling on your heels as the person dragged you to a quiter area where the music sound was vivid.

And soon your back hitted the wall making you groan but in another second your lips was sealed by a soft warm lips on yours, you blinked your eyes to remove the blurry vision.

And when he pulled back, you got a view of his breath taking features, his hair fell on his face slightly covering his orbs which looked mysteriously dark in the dim light, he had tattoos on his neck going down hinding beneath his black shirt.

but soon he returned back on sucking and biting your neck and you hissed in this foreign feeling, letting out a moan when he nibbled on the area.

"S-stop" you breathed out tapping on his shoulder lightly and that's when you realized he had already retired his shirt off his body.

Your voice was inaudible to his ears as he was into marking your neck and collar while you stood there by his support as he was gripping on your waist holding you in place.

Your drunken mind somehow made sense as to what's happening and you trembled in his touch.

"S-sto-p p-please" you said in a whimper feeling the discomfort spreading over your form and the adrenaline slowly kicked in.

But the unknown man groaned feeling annoyed by your voice and pulled away to look at you, yet still holding you in his grip.

You on the other hand looked down shedding the warm tears.

"I d-don't-" you somehow spoke looking down, crossing your arms over your chest.

You heard him leave a frustrated sigh.

"Get lost" He said but you stood there not moving and still silently crying.

"Get lost before I fvck you!" He yelled this time making you flinch and you attempted to exit from the place but ended up twisting your ankle and leave out a cry as you fell on the floor right before him.

The male looked away with clenched jaws, as you were getting on his nerves.

He kicked on the nearby table making you scared than you already were and the things kept on the table made it's contact with the ground.

But soon after a while you felt yourself being dragged out with a strong grip on your arm, making you whimper as your ankle hurted.

He dragged you out till the back door and then left his grip on you, making you fall on the ground.

火と海|| 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑛|| ᴊᴋ ғғWhere stories live. Discover now