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Heading to the Srephere dimension Wang Yuelin looked at the beautiful Magma Bee Queen and his heart started to thump wildly. He did not expect that one day he would be able to see such a beautiful sight with his own eyes, as far as he knew he and his parents had worked hard to revive the Magma Bees but no matter how many times they tried to revive the Magma Bees, they only met with nothing but disappointment.

" Don't you want to touch them ?" Mo Qiang questioned as she looked at Wang Yuelin who stood next to her. She rubbed the head of the Magma Bee Queen and smiled before explaining, " I have given life to them even if they are not easily tamed they will not go against me. You can rub their bodies as you want."

" Can I?" Wang Yuelin looked at Mo Qiang. He still couldn't believe that his dream and life goal had finally been fulfilled.

Mo Qiang nodded at him causing Wang Yuelin to swallow hard. It wasn't that he was not willing to touch the Magma Bees but the reality was too beautiful for him to believe that it was not a dream! He was worried that if he stretched his hand and then touched the Magma Bees, they all would vanish like every time in his dreams!

With his heart thumping wildly against his ribs, he raised his hand and then placed his hand on the furry head of Magma Bee Queen who rubbed her head against Wang Yuelin's palm.

Her light golden head that had the energy of magma was of touch, even her eyes were filled with a smile that reflected her happiness of being given another chance at survival. It was as if she knew Wang Yuelin and the efforts that he had put into reviving them and was now thanking him for not giving up on them.

" HA...Hahaha!" Wang Yuelin looked at the Magma Bee Queen who was rubbing against his palm and felt his eyes sting. Twenty years... he had been researching how to revive the Magma Bees for twenty years, if he were to add those years he spent with his mother in the lab, then it wouldn't be wrong to say that after the destruction of their Magma Bees's farm, he had spent all his life to bring these creatures back to life.

And now they were in front of him. Breathing and healthy.

Though they looked smaller than they were in his memories, Wang Yuelin knew that this was already a good enough result!

" What do you say? It's not a failure is it?" Mo Qiang turned to look at Wang Yuelin with a smile. " Though their appearance has changed a little, I think that it's better this way at least this appearance wouldn't catch the attention of those with ill attention——"

Mo Qiang did not get a chance to finish her sentence as Wang Yuelin hugged her tight. With his arms wrapped around her neck, he whispered, " Thank you...thank you so much! If not for you I am afraid that I would have lost my entire life trying to revive them."

" Ah... it's nothing," Mo Qiang was a bit awkward after getting hugged and more importantly she suddenly felt a chill crawl up her spine.

Though she couldn't see what was going on behind her back, she did not think that it was anything nice.

" Brother Fu?" Shao Hui turned to look at the demon no—— Yin Fu standing behind him. Even though Yin Fu's face had been twisted into that of a demonic being, Shao Hui knew that it was Yin Fu because the latter crumbled a stone that he had picked up to throw at Wang Yuelin but was stopped by Xie Jie.

" SHE. IS. MINE," he hissed while looking at Wang Yuelin who continued to hug Mo Qiang.

" I am so grateful that I met you, Sister Qiang," stated Wang Yuelin.

Yin Fu's long hair started to float in the air as he hissed with a hoarse voice, " LET. GO. OF. HER. BEFORE. I MAKE YOU REGRET."

" I can't thank you enough," sniffed Wang Yuelin emotionally.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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