𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. scene eight

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   ⤷ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦

╏ 𝖬𝖮𝖭𝖤𝖸 𝖧𝖤𝖨𝖲𝖳    ⤷ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦

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     Life had a strange way of giving and taking

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     Life had a strange way of giving and taking. Like a cruel game of push and pull, where even the tiniest spark of joy would slip through your fingers. Rosa'd had her fare share of tragedies, and time healed none of her wounds, but only made them fester.

     It wasn't easy, losing family. It broke your heart, it made you furious, it'd shatter your soul, to watch the one you love take their last breaths. She'd seen the color of life slowly fade from their eyes, and it'd only gotten harder, the more she saw it.

     Death was an inescapable inevitable, lurking around the corners, skimming and waiting for the moment to strike and snatch away the people you cared for the most. It was sickening and heartbreaking. It hurt, every damn time.

     The sound of adamant footsteps echoed in the warehouse, she looked up to see Dom stalking to where his team sat solemnly. "We need to move. We don't have that much time." He declared.

     Han jogged down the staircase, raising his phone. "I got us a flight out. We can leave Rio in the rearview in the next five hours." He replied

     But Dom Toretto wouldn't run from a fight. "Not to run away." He stated, firmly. "To finish the job."

     Gisele turned to him, disbelief in her hazel eyes. "Are you crazy, Dom? We can't."

     "It's a suicide mission." Roman added, his face rightfully dejected. "That's your man over there on the table. The plan is busted!" He exclaimed, rising from where he sat on the steps. "This is bullshit, man. Reyes knows we're coming!"

     "He's right." Tej agreed. "They tripled the detail at the police station. It's going to be a wall of gun."

     Rosa saw the determination in his eyes, Dom wouldn't back down. Not now, not ever. "Reyes doesn't get away with this." He decided.

     The brunette walked up to him, her eyes softened upon the glint of despair in his. "Dom, you know we'll be walkin' into a trap," She said.

     She'd promised him, no more running. If he'd follow through with the plan, she'd have his back. But Rosa had to make sure, he knew what he was rushing into. She needed him to make a clear-headed decision. Their lives depended on it.

     "Dom, listen to them." Elena Neves spoke up. "Run, before it's too late. Leave Rio. You can be free." She advised, her words only coming from the goodness of her heart.

     Rosa knew, just by seeing the two, that Dom felt something for the policewoman. She knew that Letty would always have his heart, in both life and death, but she hoped against all odds, that Elena's voice could be his guiding light out of this situation.

     Dom took a moment to gaze into her emerald eyes. "Running ain't freedom. You should know that." He turned to face the rest of his team. "You know you're all free to make your own choices."

     Rosa glanced back at the team, each sporting a hesitant and reluctant expression. She couldn't blame them, even she was uncertain of her choice. Now all she knew; it was time for her to choose between loyalty and survival.

     Just as Dom was about to walk away, a voice called out. "I'm in."

     They all turned, shocked, to see Luke Hobbs standing tall and looking toward the Toretto man. "I'll ride with you, Toretto. At least until we kill that son of a bitch." He announced, steadfast.

     Rosa wasn't prepared for this outcome. She was beyond surprised to see the Federal Agent put aside his mission, to join the man he was obligated to arrest. But she knew how powerful a motivator vengeance could be, to a man like him.

     It seemed, the adamancy of Luke Hobbs was all they needed to regain their confidence back.

     "So what's the plan, Dom?" Brian asked, as he gazed up at their leader. "We can't just go sneaking around anymore."

     "We don't sneak." Dom smirked, glancing at Rosa. "The only thing he cares about is his money. We pull that, we pull him."

     Time for the final act.

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