Part 13- Failed Damage Control

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Chapter 13

The past few days have been awkwardly weird between Justin and me. We hardly talk to each other, sleep in separate rooms, and the tension between us is suffocating. He has been trying effortlessly to coax me into forgiving him and moving on from what happened in Mexico, but his apologies won't work this time. He needs much more serious damage control than an apology. Anytime I remember his words, my heart aches all over again.

James invited us over exactly two days after returning from Mexico. Justin has always had a good relationship with his father, so I wasn't surprised he told him about our issue. Thankfully, Julia wasn't around to add her sarcasm. He had advised us to go to therapy, just like how Gina had advised. He assured us of its efficiency and how it had worked so many times for him and Julia. He also advised Justin to see a therapist separately, and I couldn't agree with him more. Being in the same space with him was suffocating me all the time, so I asked Ariana to move in with us.

"Hey!" Justin calls out to me in a soft voice. I don't turn or stop what I'm doing, so he continues. "Have you seen my pink shirt?" I ignore him and take the laundry basket to the backyard. He follows closely behind my heel and grabs me by the arm.

"Don't get me angry. Let me go," I demand sternly, but he still holds onto my arm. "Let me go!" I pull myself away from him forcefully.

"Why the heck are you making this so difficult? Huh? Fine! I know! I made a mistake. I misjudged you, and I'm sorry. Why are you being so difficult about it?" I throw the pile of clothes on him, breaking the basket.

"Am I being difficult? You did not only misjudge me, you insulted me. You hurt me. I didn't want to have kids, but I would never do what you accused me of. You used my past against me, a past that I am not ashamed of, and you even said your mom was right about me. After all this, I still live with you, I cook for you, and even do your laundry. Do I not treat you well?" I kick the broken basket with my left foot, and it lands right in front of Ariana. I wipe the tears on my face aggressively and storm out.

I take my anger and frustration to the poolside, pacing around until Ariana catches up with me, making me sit down on the lounger.

"Are things really that bad?" She asks, but I remain silent. I just don't know how to express how I feel towards this whole situation.

"Hmm. What can I say, we both got married when we were barely growing through life. We didn't take the time to get to know and discover ourselves and the world we live in."

"I don't need to know the details to know that Justin has messed up because I've seen you guys have fights and mend things. Most of the time, it's from him, and I see you being the mature one putting his senses in check. Honestly, my brothers are jerks!" I laugh at her last sentence. "Can you imagine Jeremiah had a daughter all this while, and he went around dating half of the women in Spintex! Oh yeah, of course you can imagine! Christine is your friend." I sit up in the deck chair.

"Yes! I suppose you found out the day he brought Diane and Christine home." Things have gone from good to better between Christine and Jeremiah. They're starting off from scratch, and they are co-parenting perfectly. He didn't waste time introducing his daughter to his family. It's a good thing he's fully supporting Christine now because she's had too many switches with nannies. She can now focus on her job since Jeremiah also takes care of Diane.

"But if there's something I'm sure of, it's Justin's love for you. I'm sure you guys will work things out!" She winks at me and dives into the pool. University life is really doing her good. She is still the same young girl I met five years ago, as beautiful and bubbly as ever. From fifteen years to twenty years! It's funny how fast time flies."

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