Part 8

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-Cody's POV-

Not long after the first challenge, my leg healed. Whenever I get up I forget I'm at the island competing in this stupid game again, against my own will too! I haven't used the confessional yet, but Harold noticed hidden cameras, so now everybody knows this is being recorded.

Sometimes I even forget I'm actually an adult now and not a teenager anymore because of being here again, it brings back memories, some good and some bad. Katie got eliminated after the challenge, although I don't wanna be here, I guess I should try and win the money, if there even is any.

We got awoken by Chris bursting into the cabin and telling us that there's going to be another challenge today, I stood up along with the others and got ready. I walked outside to face everybody stood around Chris, who was telling us our next challenge.

"Your next challenge will be to save the damsel in distress! Somebody in your team gets kidnapped from somebody on the opposing team, and you must try to save them. So the kidnapping team will be the growling snakes, you must kidnap somebody from the opposite team and make sure they aren't saved till the end of the day, when the challenge ends. You can make traps, weapons and more." Chris told us, everybody turned around to look at eachother.

Our full team spoke about a plan for one of us getting kidnapped, and what we would do when it happens. Chris told us to go our separate ways and the other team would take somebody, we'd have to figure out who and then save them.

An hour or so later, our team bumped into eachother again. We looked for who the missing person was, to my suprise, it was Noah. For some reason, Noah being a 'damsel in distress' was hilarious to me.

-Noah's POV-

I were walking in the forest when suddenly, I got picked up by Eva and carried back to they're 'base'. This was amazing, why me out of all of them? They set up traps as I sat on the cold, concrete floor in silence. I was just gonna play along until somebody came to save me. Hopefully Cody would be my 'knight in shining armour'.

The other team instigated me as I sat, giving them a blank stare. What's next, would I have to wear a princess dress?

The only 'weapons' they had were sharpened sticks and rocks. They didn't act like villains, they acted like they were living in the stone age. Couldn't they atleast be a little more creative?

Then I heard some faint steps through the teams chattering, honestly, I didn't think they cared much about the challenge, and I didn't either. I looked around, and then out of the corner of my eye I saw Cody, who was covered in mud and scratches. Did he seriously fall for those dumb traps? He was followed by a few members of our team. Courtney drew attention to him by throwing a rock at his face. He rubbed his face.

"Don't worry Noah! I'll save you!" He shouted, god he was so stupid. He pushed the others out of the way and ran towards me, he was actually quite fast. He held out his hand to me, I grabbed it and he pulled me up. Then, Sierra slapped my hand out of his.

"Get your filthy hands off of him!" She snatched Cody's hand and strutted away. She really did not just do that.

-Cody's POV-

I looked back at Noah who was glaring at Sierra in anger and.. jealousy? Why was he jealous? Everybody paused as Sierra stuck her tongue out at him. Are you kidding me, were they really going to fight again? Noah stuck his middle finger up at her, I snickered but Sierra darted towards Noah.

Izzy jumped in and stopped Sierra from hitting Noah, Sierra fell to the floor and looked up at Izzy.

"Can't you take the hint? He doesn't like you, isn't it obvious?" Izzy said, staring down at Sierra with a disgusted look.

"He likes me! Right?" She looked around at everybody who shook they're heads and sighed. She stood up and ran out in tears.

I walked back over to Noah and led him out, people did try to stop us, but I just shoved them out of the way.

We ran away from the 'base' and back to the cabins, were we saw Chris and Chef waiting for us.

"That was pretty fast, but this means that the roaring fish get immunity once again!" The other team followed closely behind us, and was here for this announcement. They sighed all began talking to eachother again, discussing who to vote next.

Later into the night, we got news that Harold had been voted out. I got a bit upset, since he was one of my friends, but I decided to try and carry on.

Everybody was asleep except me and Noah, maybe a few of the girls too but we didn't know. Noah and I went out to get 'fresh air', We leaned against the wall of the cabin. Noah pulled out some Cigarettes from his pocket.

"Do you smoke?" He asked, I tried it a few times, but I guess there was no harm in trying it again. He passed me one and lit it for me, it was a bit awkward, but all's that mattered was that I was with Noah. We spoke about Sierra, and how she finally got the hint.

Noah looked around and asked if I wanted to sneak into the forest with him, it was dark and spooky but I agreed, it would be quite fun. He grabbed my hand and led me into the forest.

We talked for a while, but it got quiet and he stared into my eyes, I stared into his, then he looked around and back at me.

"Wanna make out?" I got all flustered and shocked at his sudden question. I looked back at him with my mouth wide.

"Excuse me?" I laughed, but he wasn't joking..

I imagined Cody's face at the end like that one emoji.

I imagined Cody's face at the end like that one emoji

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1042 words.

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