Part 16

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Cody's POV:

I walked into the cabin with Noah, and the rest of the boys after being around the campfire almost all day. We had a challenge tomorrow, which sucked. I sat down on my bed, as Noah climbed up to his bunk and began fixing his covers, Trent noticed this and smiled.

"Somebody slept well." He laughed and went back to talking to Justin, Noah glanced at me with a smirk and continued. I led down on my side, I wish I could be back at home, but 'home' doesn't feel like 'home'. I wish I could move into better apartments.

Noah climbed down from his bunk to mine, sitting on the edge of the bed. We both agreed to go back into the forest tonight, it's one of the only places we can go that's away from everything. I decided to go speak to Justin and Trent about the drama brothers getting back together, we are genuinely thinking about it now.

Everybody finally began getting sleepy and fell asleep, other than me and Noah. He slowly jumped from his bunk and tapped me on the shoulder as I sat up. I climbed out of the bed with a yawn and grabbed his hand, we both walked out of the cabin, being careful not to slam the door behind us and gently closing it instead.

We both walked to the forest as we spoke about what's happening outside of the island right now, and if anybody noticed we went missing, if this show even aired? We finally stopped, I leaned up against a tree, listening to Noah rant about his boss and work.

Noah's POV:

When I finally finished ranting, I looked at Cody, who was leaned against a tree with his arms crossed. I smirked, stepping close to him and wrapping my hands around his waist. He gave me a warm smile and rested his hands on my shoulders, as I leaned in to kiss him, I was interrupted by small giggles coming from behind me. I immediately turned around to see Izzy and Eva, covering their mouths as they burst out laughing.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO! WHAT DID I SAY EVA?" Izzy practically yelled as she nudged Eva with her elbow. I stepped away from Cody, who was shocked. They were probably going to tell everybody, I swear to god.

"That's pretty gay, Noah." Eva laughed, pointing at me and Cody. I rolled my eyes and shrugged, with a grumpy frown plastered across my face.

"Whatever, can you just not tell anybody?" I asked, looking at them both. They both nodded, still laughing. They didn't have to be so immature all the time. I looked back at Cody, who was shivering. It was pretty cold, and he was in a loose, white shirt, which revealed his collarbones. Honestly, it made him look 100× hotter, like he wasn't already hot in the first place.

"Well, I think we should go back, it's fucking freezing." Eva exclaimed, as she shuddered. We all agreed and walked back to the cabins as we spoke, Izzy says she saw us walking to the forest and followed us because she was curious, pretty creepy but okay. As we neared the cabins, I heard shouting and singing from the girls cabins, what were they having, a party? Izzy and Eva decided to drag me and Cody in.

Cody's POV:

"Guys! Look who I found!" The girl's cabin went silent as they all turned to stare at Noah and I. They all looked at us strangely, but smiled and welcomed us in, who knew they could be so nice? Lindsay forced me to do a facemask, Courtney painted our nails and Heather did our make-up. Sierra stayed in the corner, I didn't really care about her though, not right now.

As Izzy removed our make-up, I looked over at Noah who had a very unimpressed look on his face. I let out a small laugh and looked back at Izzy, who looked at my collarbones in a perplexed way. She looked up at me in confusion.

"Cody, what's on your neck?" Izzy asked, pointing at, well, 'marks' on my neck, leading down to my collarbones. I let out an awkward cough, eyeing Noah as he sweat. The girls began staring at us, I knew I had to come up with an excuse, and fast.

"I got bit by a vampire." Noah snorted and chuckled, immediately stopping and scratching his head, putting his arms back at his side's and nodding.

"Yeah, what he said." He agreed, his face almost immediately returning to his usual blank, bored expression. It's crazy how fast he can switch up like that.

Noah's POV:

"Oh, makes sense...wait...then are you a VAMPIRE?" Izzy yelled as she ran to hide behind Eva, who rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, she then turned to whisper in her ear. Izzy nodded and gasped, with a small smirk and laugh. Others watched the situation, Gwen walked other and sat next to Izzy and Eva, along with most of the others.

"She's right, what are those marks Cody?" Courtney pointed at his collarbones, as others began realising what Izzy was talking about.

"Noah, do you know anything about this?" Gwen asked, crossing her arms with a curious look on her face, the girls turned to look at me as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Not a thing..." I answered, occasionally glancing at Cody and letting out fake coughs. Soon enough, Courtney gasped in realization of what the 'marks' were.

"HICKEY'S! THEY'RE HICKEY'S AND BITE MARKS!" Courtney shouted, pointed at his neck and collarbones as he swallowed and let out a small groan, I don't think he liked mentioning it.

Cody's POV:

"I didn't know you were freaky like that, Cody." Eva pointed out, smirking and eyeing me up. I looked to the side, away from Eva.

"Who's the lucky man, Cody?" Lindsay asked, her head rested on her palm. I immediately gasped as she assumed it was a man, even though it was.

"WHY ARE YOU ASSUMING ITS A MAN?" I exclaimed, as the others, including Noah, began to laugh. I watched as Courtney grabbed some foundation and began applying it to my neck and collarbones. We talked about it for a while, before Courtney stopped.

"This lasts a while, would you mind taking your shirt off so I can do the rest? Don't worry, we know your obviously, well, uh, taken?" Courtney laughed, I smiled and nodded until Noah interrupted.

"I can do that part." He said, grabbing the foundation from Courtney and bring me to a corner, I took my shirt off and let him blend the foundation over the remaining marks, which covered my pale skin. Soon enough, he had finished, I smiled and looked at the girls, who were busy talking, and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and walked back over to the others.

1173 words.

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