💛💙FlowerHusband Angst 💙💛

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Hi!!!  So this is a request! (I am sooo happy :DDD) anyways I also wanted to just say something that happened in my class group chat.(if you want to read my life :))

Basically a girl in my class who I think lived out or changed Clas or something, took the class group picture and  commented on everyone  like what she thought about us, some were.. Eh kinda not nice some were neutral some were nice idk in which one I was but she said "It's not bad, but she really hurts my heart, she's seriously shy" yep.. IDK how to react :') anyways let' s get started!(damn 109words already)

~Scott pov~

"Scott I'm going to let you.. 30 seconds to run.. And go somewhere else." Jimmy said, my heart ached a little but it was the game, at least he gave me a head start!

"okay.." I replied while starting to leave
"love you!" i suddenly said.

"30 seconds ! .. " Jimmy said not replying to me like I said nothing.

"say I love you back! "
"30 seconds.."jimmy still not replied to me.. I'll try again
" say I love you back.. "I said once again

"..." no replies from Jimmy..

" 30seconds."jimmy then said codly

" oh okay... "I went away not trying to waste my time or I'll probably get killed.. By Jimmy...
Let's go back home I dont feel like talking anymore..

I just got back to the base... I went onto my bed and just let my though invade my mind...'why didn't he said I love you back?'. 'he chooses tango of me?'. 'I gave I'm a pufferfish of peace and he doesn't want it?'

I heard noises so I looked up and saw martyn coming into the base.
"Scott? Why are you cryin? Everythin alright?" martyn said, I didn't notice I was crying until he asked why I was crying.. Should I tell him?..' of course he's my teammate '
"it's a stupid reason'i replied while.. (OMG help I forgot the word in English and French!)hm anyways let's forget!
" it's not stupid if your cryin over it "says martyn
" I guess... It was just about Jimmy.. "i  told martyn
" what did he do?... "said martyn with a glare.. Why tho?
" oh I just said love you and tried to tell him to say I love you back... I know it's stupid but I just wanted for us to be like before... "I said and starting crying again at the end of my sentence (wait... Sentence is the right word?)

" I understand Scott but Jimmy doesn't deserve you! You should show him what you're capable of!"martyn said trying to sheer me up.. And it surprisingly did!
" okay! You're right! But also... 8 just remembered I'm one of the last 3 greens and people should start coming after me soon... "I said realizing if I stayed here to long I'll probably get killed
" yeah you should start going.. "martyn replied.
" see you martyn Im not going to waste time get your gear ready if they're too close to killing me you'll kill me alright? "I asked
" oh yeah okay sure! "....

And just like that I did this yeah! Its short sry............................... (dot dot dot dot dot dot.. My mind is random)... I kept telling myself I'm going to continue the chapter tomorrow after lunch bcs I have an hour and a half free but I guess I did all of it during the night... Oops? (but does the work mean I'll do another one-shot tomorrow? Idk I depends if I feel like it or if I'm being a lazy person like always!)
Free for requests!!!

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