Time doesn't fly

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Port Royal 2 years later

Dear Journal,
It has been two years since I woke up on the ship with Will Turner. Upon further investigation, I have been sucked into the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, Lucky me. On the bright side, I'm not in Tartarus anymore. I am stuck in a world where I don't have any rights, electricity, or running water. Still beats Tartarus. So far I've gotten relatively accustomed to my life as Marina Caldwell daughter of Adeline Caldwell and Captain James Caldwell although I've heard talk that Governor Swann wants to change my name to Marina Swann. It's fitting as he treats me as his second daughter and Elizabeth introduces me as her sister, but I'm not sure I want any legal paperwork being drawn up about me. As much as everyone adores Marina Caldwell she doesn't exist. Plus I've already gone through this with the Jacksons. 

Gods the Jacksons I miss them. I hope they're okay, they probably are. I would've been out of Tartarus a lot sooner if the others failed. Now I can say hello to the stars myself. I wonder what became of Bob. Became? Gods I'm starting to talk like one of them. Of all places the 18th century is not where I want to be stuck, with false pretenses and my only goal in life being men. One grace is that the men I've met so far aren't so bad. Will is adorable and the way he adores Elizabeth melts my heart. Governor Swann loves his daughter so much it's practically his only personality trait. Norrington is rigid in his values but he is still kind. He's a bit annoying though. He keeps taking me off the docks because "the sea is a dangerous place. It is an unfit place for one such as yourself." At least he walks with me along the beach afterward. So that's nice, but I'm still the daughter of Poseidon. The ocean is my domain. 

I'm so glad I still have my powers. I practice when I'm alone just to be sure I still got it. I've convinced Will to "teach" me sword fighting. I still have my enchanted jewelry with my knives and sword in case a monster shows up. So far I haven't run into any monsters, and I'd hate to start now. My true concern is my appearance. I suppose it's not actually something I should worry about, but I do. The most concerning is my age. It seems that portal made me 3 years younger as I am now turning 12 instead of 15. My next concern about my appearance is I'm much paler than I usually am. Even when I spend days in the sun I'm white as a ghost. My skin never turns to the bronze color I'm used to and it's annoying me. My sea green eyes are more green than blue now and my once chestnut curls are now ink black waves. I think this is the most I've ever looked like a Jackson. Whatever sent me here has a sense of humor as my name means from the sea and cold stream. At least they recognize that I am a demigod. Oh well, I best get to bed before the candles burn down. Have fun on my blazing fireplace journal page. I can't risk people finding this and thinking I'm crazy, can I?


Port Royal 2 years later

Dear Journal,

It has been 4 years since I arrived in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean. I have now surpassed the age I was when I fell into Tartarus and it is making me sad. Swann commented on my behavior today. He asked me why I was so glum on this beautiful day. I had no reply for him. I went on my daily walk with Norrington today. I could tell he wanted to say something but held his tongue. Not even sparring with Will cheered me up. I don't know why I'm so upset. It's just a number and it's not even a correct one. I'm supposed to be 17, not 14. Maybe that's why it hurts. I'm Percy's age and I don't know how to feel. I guess I should feel lucky I haven't had to face any monsters for 4 years. I should be grateful that at this rate I will be able to live a normal life and not have to worry about monsters screwing me over, but here I am moping. 

Elizabeth tried to take me shopping for my birthday. She keeps telling me that I should still celebrate even if it's not my 16th birthday. I guess that's my problem. It's my 17th birthday and nobody knows and even if they did know I don't want to celebrate it with them. I want to celebrate it with the Jacksons. I want a blue birthday cake brought out with sloppy decorations as Sally and Paul sing Happy Birthday and Percy tries to stop me from blowing out my candles. I want my life back and no amount of dresses or sword fights or walks on the beach are going to change that. I don't know what to do. I'm trapped and no one can help me. I feel like I'm drowning which is ironic considering I'm the daughter of the sea god. Gods I don't know what to do, It wasn't even this bad in Tartarus at least I could fight monsters to distract myself. Here there is just silence, no gods, no monsters, no mist. Whatever sent me here hasn't reached out so I guess they don't actually want something from me, but we'll see. I take a little comfort in the fact that I still have my powers. Gods I wish I was home. As always, have fun in my fireplace.



Port Royal 2 years later

Dear Journal,

It has been 6 years since I've been trapped here. This world has been quite boring considering all the adventures the movies bring. I keep hearing the tales of Captain Jack Sparrow though so I suppose that it is a good sign. I have grown closer to Norrington over the years and I worry that perhaps it is not a good thing. Elizabeth has become as beautiful as ever but his gaze does not shift to her when she enters the room. I have found he looks for me in a crowd instead of her and I worry that it's going to mess up the movie. Who am I kidding? I don't want Norrington to fall in love with me (though who wouldn't?). Norrington is a good man and a safe choice for a husband, but I don't want a husband. I want life not to be shackled by crude societal expectations. I'm finally 16 here and Swann is throwing me a huge party with plenty of suitors attending. I used to complain when a princess would refuse good princes in books but now I know how they feel. I can do so much more than sit around we tea waiting for my husband to show me affection or nursing a child. I'm still a child (technically) I can't have kids. I can't take care of kids. I can't do anything about it though. I have to stay here and find a husband. 

I miss home. I miss my family. Gods, I miss them so much I feel like curling into a bawl and crying until I can't anymore. I can't do that though. I've found I can't do a lot of things. My world, once limitless, has become very restrictive. I don't know what to do anymore, so I guess I'll just sit here and wait. If I sit long enough will I turn to dust? Would they care? Should I care? If I die would I go back? Am I forever trapped here? In life and death all that I knew and loved I will never know again. Is this my reward? I sacrificed my childhood, no, I sacrificed my life to save Olympus. This is what I get? I guess I served no further purpose to the Olympians then? Save the world twice and be abandoned. I never thought much of the Gods but this feels like a new low or maybe I just expected too much. I thought Percy would have saved me by now. I keep waiting for him to fall from the sky, take out a huge monster, freak everyone out, and leave with me. I patiently await that day. He better hurry. I'm so sick of not having indoor plumbing. Have fun in my fireplace.



Port Royale 2 years later

Dear Journal,

I'm quite nervous. It has been eight years since I arrived here. There have been no signs of my home- world? Dimension? On the brighter side, I am going to meet the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow. That also means a bunch of undead pirates are coming to kill us all. Would celestial bronze work on them? I suppose it doesn't hurt to find out. Should I protect Elizabeth? I mean I want to, but can I interfer with canon events? Probably not. Is there anyone to stop me? Let's not go down that route, if there is a greater power here I don't want to meet it. Besides everyone gets a happy ending anyway, well not Barbossa. Norrington doesn't get one either. I can comfort him. Actually, I'm not good at comforting people. I suppose I can be his plan B. As wife I mean I'm only 18 I don't wish to get married. If I must marry I'd rather it be Norrington. I'm not sure when the pirates will come. I don't know what I'll do when they do. For now, I will do what I've always done. Sit and wait. There is nothing more I can do now. Have fun in my fireplace.



Dear Journal,

Norrington asked me to be his wife. 

Author's note

Hi! This chapter is short and a bit boring so I apologize for that. After this chapter, Cordelia finally meets Captain Jack Sparrow, Yay! That's all for now, toddles!

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