You're off the edge of the map mate

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Jack inspects the golden statue he has picked up from one of the loot piles. He can feel Barbossa's eyes on him. "I must admit, Jack: I thought I had you figured. But turns out, you're a hard man to predict."

Jack shakes his head. "Me? I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly! It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid." He grabs one of the pirate's swords and tosses it to Will. He catches it with ease and begins fighting members of Barbossa's crew. Jack unsheaths his sword and heads directly for Barbossa. Barbossa blocks his first swing. Jack parries Barbossa's jab and then swings his sword at Barbossa's head. Barbossa blocks the strike. Barbossa pushes Jack back towards the gold pile with the chest. Jack swipes at Barbossa's head and misses. Barossa turns and runs to the more stable land while Jack follows him. Barbossa blocks Jack's blade and the two swords lock together. It takes a moment but Jack can get his blade free and he slashes at Barbossa. Jack laughs as a few of the feathers from Barbossa's hat fall off. His smile quickly fades as he looks at Barbossa's murderous face. Barbossa grunts and attacks him.

Barbossa slashes at Jack. he parries the attack and ducks as Barbossa swings at his head. Jack attacks and Barbossa counters. The two blades slide against each other until the two are in each other's faces. Barbossa leans in through their crossed blade. "You're off the edge of the map mate. Here there be monsters." Barbossa releases Jack and throws him further up the cave.


Elizabeth peaks over the edge of the Black Pearl. There is no one. She climbs over the side keeping an eye out for pirates. She had just taken her first step when the monkey dropped down in front of her screaming. She starts a bit but doesn't scream. The monkey stops looking at her confused. She grabs it and throws it overboard. She hears a clang and looks over the side. The monkey hit a canon and two pirates are looking at it and hit the water. She bolts below deck ducking to the side as the pirates climb up. Elizabeth heads to the brig. "Miss. Elizabeth!" Gibbs exclaims. In one cell there is the crew of the interceptor and in the other is Marina. She is curled up on the floor of the cell. Her hand is pressed tightly to her side. She looks pale and sweat covers her brow. Elizabeth unlocks the cell. "Marina!" She cries kneeling next to her. Marina looks at her with a faint smile. "I knew you'd be all right," She says her voice little more than a croak. Elizabeth pulls the younger girl to her. She's burning up. "Oh, what have they done to you?"

"Nothing I can't handle."

"Marina. You must tell me you look terrible." Elizabeth wipes her hand against the crimson splatter on the younger girl's face.

"Oh, how I love our little chats."

"Marina," She says sternly.

"It's just a flesh wound. We have to save Will." Marina stands up and unlocks the door. The pirates from the interceptor file out of the cell and head above deck.


Pirates fight the sailors. Punching and stabbing them as Pintel and Ragetti make their way onto the ship. A lone sailor lays on the ground. He has been wounded and probably doesn't have much time left. With his remaining strength, he pulls on the rope of the alarm bell. The bell makes a loud clanging noise. The noise carries to James and his men with the sound of gunshots. "Make for the ship. Move!" He commands. The ring stops as the sailor is killed. The pirates begin to shoot cannonballs at the rowboats as James and his men try to make their way back to the Dauntless. The governor watches the commotion through the windows of the captain's cabin. A sailor is killed against the doors and the governor grimaces. One of the pirates spots him and they begin breaking the glass trying to reach him. One is successful grabbing hold of his wig and making it come off. Swann holds onto that wig for dear life as he reaches for something to free the wig from the undead pirate's skeletal hand. He grabs a candle stick and hits the arm. The arm of the pirate breaks off, releasing the wig.

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