A new day, a new gift?

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At night (10:47pm)

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At night (10:47pm)

Yoongi was ready to sleep. He laid down and closed his eyes but flinched as his mobile ringed. He didn't answered but again his mobile ringed.

"Please stop! Stop it!" He covered his ears but getting irritated by continue ringing. He picked his mobile and answered angrily
"What the fuck do you want!?"


Shivers ran down yoongi's spine as he heard his father's furious voice
"D-dad, I am sorry I thought it was s-someone else"

"Shut up! Just tell Jin that I will come next week, he wasn't answering my call, he must be busy in work that's why I called you, put your lazy ass in some work yoongi! Go and tell him right now and ask if he needs any help!" Mr.Kim said in authoritative voice.

"I am going dad, I will inform him" yoongi said getting up from the bed.

Then Mr.kim cuts the call.

Yoongi then went to his hyung's room. He knocked.

 He knocked

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"Come in"

"Hyung dad called me and told me to inform you that he will come next week" yoongi said entering inside the room. He saw his hyung sitting with laptop on his lap.

"Ok, now go and sleep" Jin said without looking up from the screen.

"You need any help?" Asked yoongi.

"You want to help? Why is my mr.always sleepy boi wants to help me instead of sleeping?" Jin questioned looking at yoongi with raised eyebrows.

"Oh actually dad said I should get my lazy ass up and help you, so do you need?" Yoongi said fiddling with his fingers.

Jin smiled and gestured him to come closer.

Yoongi went to him but whined as he was pulled on the lap by his hyung
"Hyung! I am not a little boy anymore!"

"You will always be my little boy, my precious cat" Jin said giving a kiss to yoongi's head.

"Ewww! Don't do these disgusting things with me!" Yoongi said wiping his head quickly.

His psycho stalker (yoongi centric)Where stories live. Discover now