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Everyone froze

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Everyone froze.

Yoongi looked away immediately as others looked at him.

"W-what the hell did this guy just said to hyung!?" Taehyung said in shocking voice.

"Did I heard right? Did he r-really sai-"

"S-shut up hoseok, don't you dare to say that" yoongi said covering his ears.

"I won't I won't, relax hyung but seriously this person is crazy for sure!"

"That's why i don't want to go to meet him" yoongi spoke still looking away.

"Did he said anything like this before too yoongi?" Jin asked.

"Hmm, this morning, there was a note with a bouquet" yoongi told.

"Ok but we will go and find out who this bastard is!" Jin said gritting his teeth.

"Yeah we have to" namjoon also agreed.

"N-no! you all go, I am not going a-anywhere"

"Yoongi hyung, why are you scared, we will be with you all the time so don't be scared ok?" Jungkook said softly and embraced yoongi but he got worried as felt yoongi's shaking body
"Hyungie? J-Jin hyung, he is panicking"

"Yoon? Hey relax, look at me" Jin made yoongi to look at him.

"Kook leave me!"

"No jungkook, don't leave him, he will run away" Jin instantly said and jungkook nodded.

Jungkook tightened his hold around yoongi.

"We will go and beat that bastard" Jin said ruffling yoongi's hairs and before yoongi could speak, Jin continued
"End of discussion yoongi"

"Fine but I am telling you that I am not going to talk to him" yoongi said.

"You don't need to, we will handle it" hobi said.

"Ok, leave me now jungkook, kook! YAHH!! Leave me I said!" Yoongi whined and tried his best to release himself from jungkook who was teasing him by not leaving his hold on him.


Others cooed at how yoongi was whining. They really adore his cold yet cute personality.

"I am gonna beat your ass you jungle bunny if you didn't leave me right no-"

"Yeah yeah as if I am scared of you, hyung huh!" Saying this sarcastically, jungkook left yoongi.

"Brat! Jin hyung look at him!"

"Yeah, he's saying right, right?" Jin spoke holding his laugh.

Yoongi glared at his only hyung and said
"You all always team up against me"

"Haha yeah, now quickly change your clothes and let's go to the mall"

Yoongi huffed and went to the bathroom after picking his clothes.

His psycho stalker (yoongi centric)Where stories live. Discover now