Chapter 25

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"Is this really the plan?" I asked, face in my hands.

This had been the stupidest thing I had heard them come up with in a while, not to mention the most dangerous for Elly. But as I looked around the room and met eyes with everyone, I knew there was no talking them out of it. Sam and Dean had looked pretty content with the idea, Cas was indifferent as always, and Ketch had looked cool and collected after he'd been caught up. I just couldn't believe I'd heard the thing twice.

"Are you ok with this, Elly?" I asked, meeting her eyes.

She'd been looking down at the table, taking a minute to think through what had been said, but when I'd called her attention to me, she'd looked up. Many things were going through her eyes as she looked at me. Fear, latent anger, hope, and hurt just to name a few. I knew she couldn't have liked the idea, but it was the best shot we had right now. We knew Gabe wasn't going to be much help, so Lucifer was our only shot at getting a gate up and running. We couldn't let him just stay in Heaven, things would start to collapse.

"I don't..." She spoke softly, calling the room to her, "I don't think he'll come. I've been asking him, but he doesn't answer anymore."

"You've prayed to him?" Cas asked, appalled, and Dean sat up straighter.

"Dean prays to you, why can't I pray to him?" Elly shot at the angel, crossing her arms. "What if this doesn't work?"

"Then we find another way," Ketch shrugged. He had cleaned up nicely but still looked exhausted. I doubted he wanted to be part of this conversation right now, "I'm sure we will figure something else out if this goes south, but this is the best option at the moment."

"That's positive," Dean grumbled, taking a sip from a beer he'd all but ignored the last hour.

Elly lowered her head to the table. I could almost guess what she was thinking. She had to be afraid that he wasn't going to show, that he didn't care about her. She was just being played with. Nothing more to him than the gems he once created. I wasn't sure if she could handle that if it were true. I knew she cared about him more than she let on, she had been a lot like myself in that way.

Sam gently placed his hand on her shoulder, "It'll be ok." He smiled softly as she looked up at him, "You're one hell of a shot, and we'll be there to back you up. Nothing is going to happen."

"Nothing is what I'm afraid of happening..." She mumbled before excusing herself from the table and leaving the room.

Others were quick to follow after her, Dean saying something about getting ready to leave, Cas walked off towards the library for other supplies, and Sam returned to his computer for more information. What he had told her had been a nice sentiment, but I wasn't sure there was anything other than the fallen angel himself that could help her now. This was just something we had to do.

I shoved a packed duffle into the trunk of my car, taking care not to stab anything through its old material. I looked over Elly, who was leaning against the frame, as I checked the wardings on the fabric lining.

"Elly?" I called. She didn't move. Didn't even seem to register I had said anything. "Elizabeth?" I tried again. Still, she didn't move. Her blue eyes were deep in thought somewhere else. I closed the trunk a little harder than needed, the noise jolting her out of whatever stupor she had been in.

"Did you...say something?" She asked, turning to me finally.

"You do remember the plan, right?" I asked, studying her.

"I'm walking into a vamp den, by myself with only a gun." She nodded slowly, her voice a higher pitch than usual as her nerves got to her. Of course, she was afraid, "You know a gun won't do anything against them right?" Her eyes focused on mine, "Are you sure there's not some Vampire Irradiation Gun, or Anti-Vamp Device, or...or even alternate Kaia's spear lying around?"

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