Chapter 28

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I slammed the whiskey glass down onto the bar top. I stared at the empty glass for a second, before catching the bartender's eye and waving him over for another refill. I barely cared if I was being rude now. It didn't matter. Things were going to go to shit anyway. Might as well enjoy the burn of a good liquor while I could.

"Long day?" The bartender, a tall, fair-skinned man with bright hazel eyes that leaned more green than gold and short curly black hair, said as he poured the rich honey liquid into my glass.

"Long life," I grumbled as I slammed the amber liquid back, downing the glass again before he had gone far.

"You're quite the drinker," He chuckled, "Where'd you learn?"

"My old man was drunk half the time he was around. Guess I picked up his talent." I stared down at the liquid as he poured more into my glass again.

"Bet you got your looks from you ma then." He smiled softly at me, "She must have been one hell of a gal."

I got it now. I may have been buzzed, but even when I was close to black-out drunk, I knew when a man was flirting with me. I smiled as I looked down at the cup again, swirling the whiskey. I could be bad for once. For one night, I could go back to the woman I was a few months ago. I could pretend nothing had happened and this was just another night in the bar after a hunt. For one night, I could forget what he meant to me.

"She'd love to hear that you think that," I said, taking a sip this time and winking at the man.

He laughed again, "I'll buy your next round if you stick around."

"How long do I have to stick around?" I asked, leaning slightly across the bar.

"Til close." His smile reached his eyes, where it danced among the gold.

I opened my mouth to utter deal when I heard my phone ringing in my pocket. I apologized, dug it from the pocket, and looked at the screen. I had been half expecting Ketch to call me by now, asking where I was or telling me that our little adventure was over. I was shocked to see that it was Elly calling me. I quickly answered the call before it could go to voicemail.

"Elly?" I asked.

"Where did you go?" She asked, "I've been looking for you."

"I'm just out getting a drink." I sighed, "Tell him to lay off if he's bugging you."

"He's not. Haven't seen Ketch actually," I could hear her grumble a little as the phone shifted, "You drove away faster than I could keep up with."

"Keep up wi...What are you talking about?" I questioned her, smiling at the bartender again as I took another drink.

"I kinda, maybe, might've stolen the Impala and followed you to make sure you were ok." I nearly spit out my drink. "But you drove off faster than I could. And I accidentally stalled out. I'm not good at stick shifts."

"How'd you get the keys?" I was baffled. Not even the best of thieves could get those keys away from Dean.

"I uh...kinda might've snuck into his room and took them while he was with Cas..."

"With Cas? You mean with Cas?" I smiled at her cunning.

Her beautiful snort laugh came from the other end, "Saw a lot more than I wanted to see."

I nearly choked this time, giving the bartender an apologetic look when he gave me a questioning one from across the bar. "I mean...good for you? But what do you mean? You followed me out here?"

"I don't know where here is. But sure." Elly replied, "You were upset. I was worried about you."

"I just wanted a drink," I stated.

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