Chapter Thirteen

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I sleep in till nine o'clock. It's definitely more of a luxury than getting up at the crack of dawn. I don't feel as cranky as I usually do, which is a good sign that it's going to be a good day.

The cafe is shut this week and it's time to decorate and transform the shop into something new, fresh and inviting. I know my mother ordered paint samples and other items she wants me and Declan to start building.

On my walk to work I start panicking over seeing him on Saturday night. When Eddie walked out of my room Declan stared me down as if I personally offended him. I still haven't got my head around what that was. But I know I need to brush it under the carpet so I can focus on today.

It's a bright morning and I know that today will be filled with success. That's if I know what the hell to do with the cafe.

Instead of heading round the front of the shop, I enter through the back. My headphones are buried in my ears as I unlock the door and press on it, only for the door to be locked. I frown at the door and use my key again. This time it opens.

I press onto the door and step into the back room of the cafe. Even though music is blasting through my ears, the hairs on my arms begin to stand. Someone is here.

My throat dries and I creep my head around the door, taking a breath of relief when I see Declan on a ladder as he paints the ceiling. Right, mum told me that she gave him a key so he could pop in and do what he needed.

I didn't expect him to be here at ten o'clock. What time did he arrive?

As I step forward, I take out my headphones and place them in my pocket. Declan glances over when he hears my feet shuffle against the floor. Now I take him in because instead of wearing a suit, he's wearing the world's tightest t-shirt.

He might as well be shirtless because I can see everything. Broad shoulders, thick arms and veiny skin. I gulp silently as he offers me a smile.

"Hi," I say. "You startled me."

Declan leans on the top of the ladder and quirks a brow lazily in my direction. "Sorry, I thought I'd come in early."

"Since when?" I ask as I shrug off my bag and leave it by the door.

He checks his watch and blows out a short breath. "Since eight."

My eyes widen. "Oh, I didn't realise you'd be here that early."

"Well, I'm an early riser. Would rather be here than wasting my day, we've got a lot of work to do." He nods and clutches the brush in his hands, then dips it in the white paint. "I tried to cover the furniture as best as I could."

I glance around and nod. "I see that. I presume my mother gave you an in depth explanation of everything she wants?"

Declan smiles but he doesn't look at me. "Of course she did, she's the boss."

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