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Yoongi knew that tears was fake.
He realized she'd planned this
all along.

Jiwoo spent her entire leave week with Hoseok. And that week was a blessed week for every living being in the mansion.

The dead aura that had been in the mansion before the two Jung siblings arrived seemed to slowly dissipate.

Yoongi wasn't really close with Jiwoo, considering that she now knew he had a hand in Hoseok's forced marriage.

He,d told her himself the day she called. And even explained what had happened on that particular night of their honeymoon.

She still gave him the hard glare on few occasions and warned him severely not to try anything stupid with her brother.

Who was Yoongi to go against her wish. She seniored him after all and disrespecting someone older than you wasn't something to boast about in the local tradition of Korea.

He wanted to win their trust, especially Hoseok. So he made sure not to go beyond his boundaries.

He'd stay in his study, enjoying Hoseok's loud giggles and laughs, sounding like music to his ears, while the two siblings played around.


Jiwoo was leaving back to Japan today. Hoseok's gloomy aura throughout the entire day showed that he wasn't happy.

"When next will you be back?" He asked, sitting on her bed.

Jiwoo signed, putting the last of her things in her bag. "I don't know Hobi, there's a huge lotta work load waiting for me in Japan. I can't put an exact date to when I'll be back to Korea."

Hoseok signed heavily, getting up from the bed. He didn't say a word again as he quietly made his way to Yoongi's study.

He'd become pretty close with Yoongi back again ever since his sister was around. Sometimes, the three of them would hang out together, doing whatever they feel like doing.

A knock.

Yoongi turned his attention to the door and there Hoseok was, a sad expression on his face. Yoongi so badly wanted to wipe it off.

"Hyung, can you tell her not to go?" Was the first thing Hoseok said to him, still standing by the door. He had his favorite green hoodie on, with a black ripped jeans.

He was referring to his sister.

Yoongi motioned for him to come inside. Hoseok did, making his way closer to the elder. He still had that cute frown on his face.

"Hoseok she has work to do, okay? She'll be back."


"I can't tell."

"See? It's gonna take forever before she comes back." He emphasized, frustration in his voice.

"No she-..."

Hoseok stormed off

"Hey!! Come back here!!"

Hoseok didn't turn back, nor did he return. He stormed off to his room, making sure to slam the door.

A clear view to everyone around that he wasn't happy. Hoseok's mood seem to be the one that'll determine how the day would go for everyone else in the mansion.

If Hoseok was happy, then Yoongi would be in a good mood and the maids wouldn't have to worry about being yelled at for the slightest thing.

And if Hoseok was unhappy, then Yoongi would be in a bad mood, lashing out his anger at the innocent maids.

Jiwoo's departure seemed to affect everyone. Even Yoongi who saw her as 'too strict'.


"Hobi?... at least let me see your face before I leave." Jiwoo stressed, knocking on his door. She had her chauffeur already take her luggage to the car.

"Go away." She heard Hoseok's muffled voice say.

Jiwoo signed. "Or I'll call Yoongi to come and break down the door." She tried with her strict voice. It didn't work, Hoseok didn't respond to her threat. Who was she kidding? Hoseok has never responded to any of her threats. She was the only one he could never be scared of despite their huge age gap and her strict protocol. Even Yoongi was scared of breaking any of her rules.

She gave another heavy sign, already giving up. She was about to make her way to Yoongi when the said male came to view.

"How is he?" Yoongi whispered, considering that they were still close to Hoseok's room.

Jiwoo shook her head, signing for the up-tenth time, her shoulders slumped. "Not good." She whispered back, making a negative sign with her hand.


"He seriously wants you to stay" Yoongi mumbled, loud enough for the older lady to hear.

They were at the toppesr floor balcony of the mansion.

"Yeah... but I've gotta go somehow." She said, leaning on the railing, her gaze on the ground floor, watching as the maids walked around, doing whatever tasks they were assigned to.

"He told me he wants to do something, like a job. But he's afraid you won't let him." Jiwoo said, turning her gaze towards Yoongi, observing his reaction.

Yoongi pursed his lips, remaining quiet. That was partially true tho, he was fine with Hoseok not having to do anything, just in his house, like a perfect house husband.

As if reading his thought, Jiwoo scoffed, "I thought as much." She said with a snickering tone. "I know you are in love with my brother. You don't want him off your sight, but still, do things that'll make him happy, not just being stuck with you. He's still literally scared of you and thinks you're like the rest. You're not helping matters by keeping him inside the house. At least let him be free for once."

Yoongi bit his lips, contemplating on the new advice. "Okay, I'll think about it."

Jiwoo's gaze didn't leave him, observing him. "Please don't be hard with him." She said with a softer tone. "He's been home schooled all his life. He's still very young and is learning new things. He doesn't even know the difference between sugar and salt." She laughed dryly.

Her gaze went back to the ground floor. "You don't know what he's gone through. You shouldn't be mad that he's afraid of you. He's afraid of everything... well except me." She smiled proudly. Her cute little dimple displayed.

She was awfully similar to Hoseok. If not that Yoongi wasn't that attracted to girls, he sure would have fallen for her.


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