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He couldn't remember anything after that.
But he did remember seeing Yoongi.

The entire house hold was once again in another frenzy of panic when they couldn't find Hoseok.

Yoongi wanted to tear himself apart when the information was brought to him.

It was pretty obvious that he was no where in the mansion. He'd gone to whoever knows.

Thankfully, the cctv cameras were active so Yoongi began checking.

Being a successful multi billionaire, he was one of the few that had easiest access to cctv cameras of the neighborhood, down to his office complex, so it was pretty much easy to find Hoseok.

He found Hoseok leaving through the garden. There was a low fence, so he jumped over it. He watched through the footage as the younger ran to the bus stop, squatting down for a few minutes when he got there. His breaths were heavy probably from intense running.

The time read five ten by then. He was almost an hour early before the first bus arrival. So he ran.

He watched him run towards the direction of the complex, not bothering to stop to take a rest. It's was a twenty minute drive and a forty minute walk from the house to the office and Yoongi knew how exhausting that could be, especially to the fact that Hoseok was sick.

He watched as he got to the companies giant shredder and sat on front of it, scattering through the shredded papers. He began picking the shredded papers one after the other, straining his eyes in the dimly lit room, trying to read them.

He watched him line the papers together, using gum to join them back. He was more than half way through. Just a few more, and the paper would be whole back again. Yoongi zoomed closer to the paper.

He could recognize it, they were the same ones Namjoon had thrown at him. Except that those were the original copies. Namjoon's was just a duplicate, but still relevant.

He watched as the younger made a victory fist in the air when he completed them. He got up, picking the very rough paper in his embrace, twirling around happily like his entire life depended on it.

Yoongi smiled as he watched the achieved smile on the younger through the camera.

It's has been an hour and half since he left the house. Yoongi decided to go get him. Putting on his jacket and taking an extra one for Hoseok, he was about to make his way out when his study door suddenly burst open, revealing an out of breath Hoseok, shredded papers sticking out of his disorganized hair.

He seemed to be startled when he saw Yoongi. Quickly bowing and muttering some apologies, he rushed out, attempting to close the door behind him.

"No! Wait!" Yoongi almost yelled, stopping the boy from going away.

Hoseok halted his step, turning around to face the elder. He had his gaze on the floor. On his right hand was a rough paper.

Now that he was nearer, Yoongi took note of his dressing. He was wearing a green short sleeved shirt and a white pair of short.

His bruises were visible, he didn't bother covering them again. Yoongi almost punched himself for that. He caused it. Not like he wanted him to cover them, but the fact that he didn't care about anything anymore pained Yoongi to the core.

Hoseok stretched the paper towards him, gaze still not meeting Yoongi. Yoongi didn't hesitate to collect it.

It was very rough, you could hardly see what was written in it due to the shredded lines, but it was it, Yoongi knew.

He took a step towards the younger, and Hoseok instinctively took two steps back.

Who was he kidding, he literally assaulted the younger, and he thinks he could gain his trust back that easily.

"I'm sorry." He muttered under his breath, loud enough for Hoseok to hear.

Hoseok didn't respond, instead, turned around and began to make his way out.

Yoongi placed a hand on his shoulder.


Hoseok screamed, a loud fearful shriek escaping his lips as he spun around, immediately yanking the elder's hand away from his shoulder, pushing him harshly, farther from his reach.

Yoongi stumbled, taking a few steps back, complete regret and hurt written clearly on his face.

"I told you I didn't do it." He cleaned a stray tear from his face. "You- you didn't believe me..." it looked like he wanted to say more, but seemed short of words.

"I- I'm sorry." Was all Yoongi could whisper. Seriously, there was nothing else he could say. This was the second time he'd break the younger. He knew it would take almost forever before he could gain his  trust back. And he vowed to do everything possible to get it back.

He watched helplessly as Hoseok stormed out of his sight. Possibly to his room, since there was no were else he could go, except his parents. And he was sure that would be the last place he would think of going to, considering that they were oblivious to the situation. He wanted it that way for reasons we (the readers) all know about.

Yoongi didn't set eyes on Hoseok throughout that day. It was a Friday, so he chose not to go to the office.

He doubted if Hoseok would go too, and feared that he'd end up quitting his job as time passed.

The tension in the mansion returned. Everything went back to the old times when Yoongi and Hoseok were still strangers.

Jiwoo visited after Yoongi ensured her that he was fast recovering. But she needed to return to Japan the next day. Her works had piled up, and she didn't want her clients to get impatient.


"Jin Hyung?!" Hoseok spoke with a surprised tone, as he sat up on his bed, watching the elder walk closer to him.

Seokjin smiled, sitting on the bed, next to the younger.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Much more better." Hoseok answered, giving him an assuring smile. Seriously, he was doing better now. Except that a few headaches returned sometimes, he was okay.

"Yoongi said he's afraid you won't take your drugs, he begged me to come and talk to you."

Hoseok pursed his lips, a little pout growing. "I took them, see!" He pointed to the empty tablet foil wrap on the table beside his bed.

"Okay. I believe you." Seokjin smiled, ruffling his hair.

"So... how's things with Yoongi?" Seokjin dared to ask, knowing how sensitive the topic was to Hoseok.

"Nothing has happened. I don't want to talk about him." Hoseok answered with a blank expression.


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Finally! Hoseok is now out of the clear.

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