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Once upon a time in the Pokemon world, in a long forgotten time, Pokemon and humans lived in humanity. Battling together, dancing together, friends with each other, helping each other. The possibilities were endless, but Pokemon and humans stuck together one by one throughout the ages.

Until one day, a human ascended. He was a merely lowly mortal into becoming a God of higher presence. From there, the lowly mortal became known as the Ocean God. And through him, the world changed.

Humans and Pokemon scattered throughout the world, trying to find safety in the few areas that provided so.

Eventually Pokemon died off, but a few humans remained. All was well that no one could intervene in the Ocean God's plans. But he had not intended for one thing, humans couldn't live without Pokemon.

So, there came a new species of mankind, Gijinka. Not entirely man but not Pokemon neither. No one knew how they came to be, but it didn't matter.

It began with one, a Torchic. Then it span out, until all humans were extinct and only Gijinkas remained. The Ocean God, seeing this, was furious but he knew how to play smart.

So instead, he gathered up group of four Gijinkas. Among them was a Scizor, Chansey, Lucario, and Skiploom Gijinka. All were of different places and ages, but he gave them all one command. If they were to remain in his new better world, they must kill their fellow Gijinkas.

The four Gijinkas followed their lord's orders, slaughtering their fellow kind all for the God. They went to different regions; Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Galar, Paldea. None were spared from their attacks, and those few who survived ran like cowards and lived to tell a tale.

But somewhere deep within the ruthless four, they didn't want to do this. Kill their own, it was too cruel. But none of them didn't dare to disobey the Ocean God's order. Why fight against a being greater of your own power, the four thought to themselves.

But one day, the Scizor Gijinka came across a Dragonite Gijinka. And unlike his other slaughters and murders, somewhere, deep inside himself, he could not kill her. He had fallen in love with her. And there, he ran from the Ocean God, and didn't dare to look back.

It became unknown what happened to his former allies, because as soon as he ran, they vanished. No trace remained of them, nor any wrath came to him. He was free, to him it felt surreal.

Three years, from the day, the Scizor became welcomed into the Dragonite's family, the two getting ready for their wedding. And when Scizor went to go fetch a bucket of water, his wife stayed behind with her family, cooking.

Once the Scizor came back, holding a rose instead, he found his wife and her family slaughtered in the kitchen. He knew who did this, it was the Ocean God.

He waited for Scizor to fall in love just so he could return.

Scizor, in his despair, found the Ocean God, miles away from the crime. And the Ocean God, with his ego, merely asked if he'll be returning to work alongside him. Instead, Scizor attacked.

The damage and details are a blurr, but Scizor had dealt enough to badly injure the Ocean God. The God retreated to recover, running to a cave. And Scizor, looking inside the cave the Ocean God flee to, had a idea. He grabbed a rock, and sealed the entrance inside. Scizor has saved the generation from the Ocean God's madness.

But still, the Ocean God didn't die. He was immortal and lived, waiting and listening through the ocean. Telling myself that one day, a human will come and that human will set him free.

He will return and everyone, every living being, shall pay for what that Scizor has done to him.


"I, the Champion, fall in defeat..."

He had done it. This boy, this ten year old boy from Littleroot, had done it. The boy with red scarlet eyes stares at Steven from a distance, as the former champion recalls his Metagross back.

The boy mimics his actions, recalling his Altaria and looks back at Steven. The former champion walks over to him, and places a hand on his shoulder. "Congratulations, Guile. Your strength and feelings for your Pokemon are powerful, and true for one another," Steven looks back on the damage done to the room. "You're rightfully Hoenn's newest champion."

Those last words, it feels like a achievement well done. The end of a journey, Guile can't believe it. His eyes start to water, and quickly so do tears of joy pour down his face. Steven looks a bit concerned seeing the boy cry, but Guile wipes away the tears with his sleeves.

The boy looks at Steven, with a face that speaks 'thank you' to him.

Steven smiles, "Are you ready to record you and your Pokemon into the Hall of Fame?" He asks.

Guile returning the smile, nods his head.

Steven walks to the next room, with Guile following behind.

This was it. All the fainted Pokemon, all the pain and agony of dealing with Team Aqua and Kyogre, the badges, this was his reward. His well deserved reward, and it was in the next room, waiting for him.

He closed his eyes, imagining the moment where this would all be documented. Maybe then, his parents will come to see how he's been doing.

And so, Steven stepped aside for Guile to use the machine, the machine to record his team forever. The boy grabbed his bag, and...


He...went to grab his team a-a-and...

There was ringing in his ears, and everything blacked out.


When Guile woke up, he no longer stood in the Hall of Fame room, but instead a small patch of grass on a small island. There's a hint of mud in the air, waking him up even more. He turns his head back and forth, seeing nothing but a small edge of land, some small red and blue crystals sticking out, and then the ocean at the end.

This doesn't make sense.
author's note: hello everyone! this Nuzlocke has been like a really big to-do for me. like i regard it as my most infamous one. however i will say i have no recording of the actual run, only what Pokemon i caught and those who died. so this fic will be quite different

author's note (5-6-2024): series is going through a tiny reboot but dont worry! unfortunately Guido is now removed, but i'll save his character for another story

Guide To Another World! (A Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Nuzlocke)Where stories live. Discover now