Lost and Found

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warning for suicidal, only briefly

After the Ocean God's wrath, Rustboro knew no end. Everyone and everything was ravaged, few survived and fewer things lived after the God's first initial attack.

One of the survivors was the gym leader of Rustboro, Roxanne, herself. She already lived something like this, thinking back to Team Aqua and Magma, but not to this extension. Only Kyogre came, not Groudon.

She stumbled into her gym, a rare moment where the ocean level was low enough so she could enter through the entrance, and took a moment to recollect.

This couldn't truly be the end, and so, she ran for every book in sight and ran to the exit.
In the remains of Rustboro City, there is a entire cave system down below. It's not too deep but not too open, safe enough if the Ocean God awakens again.

The tunnel took a team to make, a whole bunch of Ground type Gijinkas offered to do so. And many of them gave up their lives to see it through.

Tag has known nothing but living inside these tunnels. Only one has he been out of these tunnels, and then never again. Inside them, there are his neighbors, a Caterpie-line of Gijinkas, in another are his cousins and nieces, the same Gijinka as he is.

In these tunnels, safety is guaranteed. No one can hurt him.

But Tag's mother had always warned him of one thing.

"The Ocean God will use any trick to lure Gijinkas in and satisfy his rage. Whatever you do, don't fail for it, Tag. Please, don't end up like me."

Tag did end up inheriting more from his mother, it seems.
Guile stands up, almost immediately taking a fall down before he catches himself latching onto a nearby crystal.

...This crystal he's holding onto, he takes a look at it and realizes it's bigger than any crystals he's seen. In fact, all the crystals nearby him and across the mud are as big as him.

His eyes trail up to see the crystals lay out a path, one that slowly heads to a small mountain on top. It shouldn't be so difficult to get to the other side...right?

As he begins to head to the mountain, Guile can pick something up. The sound of footsteps, rapid and coming fast. He turns his head and-

"HOLD ON!" A brown-skinned boy, no younger than seven, stops a few feet away from him. He then catches a few seconds to breathe, letting out a disgusting noise to follow, which irks Guile's ears. Then he stands up proud, chest puffy and large, "Are you lost?"

Guile stares at the...Zigzagoon like boy. He nods yes, since yes it is true.

The boy smiles, "Good to know! Alright, let's head back to the tunnels, you don't want to head over there, those Gijinkas are mean!" He frowns, walking over and grabbing Guile's hand tightly.

At even the touch, Guile pushes him away, letting out a squeal.

The Zigzagoon boy looks at him, "What? What's wrong? Didn't you say you were lost?" He asks.

Guile obviously nods his head, but then he tries explaining. 'I AM lost! But I'm not uncomfortable with you touching me, never do that again! And lastly, what tunnels? Are you talking about caves, because if so Steven can-'

Midway through his signing, he notices a...expression on the Zigzagoon boy that screams 'I don't know what you're saying.' The boy in red takes a minute, then with his actual voice, "Don't.....touch me like that..." He manages to get it out, his voice raspy and quiet.

But the boy picks it up, and his tail starts wagging, "Oh...OH! Sorry, my mom always tells me some Gijinkas don't want their space invaded like how I do so-Anyways what were you saying?" He smiles.

Surprisingly, it's not so terrifying talking to Tag. They sat near a crystal, to which Tag pulled out a Oran Berry for Guile to eat as they talked. As they did, Guile noticed weird things he picked up from the Gijinka's words.

To begin with, Tag's attire. He was entirely dressed in a dark brown-cream zigzag fur coat, spiking out to unbelievable physics. As his hair is too, spiking out, a much lighter brown than his clothes. And he even had ears and tails that resembled a Zigzagoon, and his face looks MORE like a Zigzagoon too.

Second, Gijinka. That was a new word to Guile, he had never heard of it before. But he's only ten, there's a couple of words he doesn't know yet.

But what terrifies him, is how Tag talks about the Ocean. Everything he says about it isn't true, or at least he thinks so.

"You know, before I was born, one of my uncles tried leaving Rustboro," Tag chews on a piece of a Pecha Berry, while staring at Guile. "Went on a boat and tried sailing and all that......After that, my mom refused to talk about it. She said that the Ocean God was frustrated and so my uncle payed the price for it...I wonder what he was like."

"Is......that true?" Guile whispers.

"Yup. My mom said so."

"But the Ocean can't.......just do that."

"It can! Did I tell you about one of my neighbors, she's an Absol Gijinka and I've only seen her once."


"Once. You see, they said that, she was always sensing danger near the Ocean and it was so strong that she got mad one day! I only saw her once before she died, and that's when I saw her throw herself to the Ocean. So of course I'm scared of the Ocean!"

"I...I see. Sorry...to hear about that."

"It's...okay. It happens more than you think."

More than you think. That shouldn't be normal thinking.

Guile stands up, he feels so sick hearing about all this. "I'm...going to the other side of the mountain...Thank you, Tag..." He says.

Tag frowns, "What...? Why?"

"I'm not from here...I need to go home," he says. Go home and win back his Champion of Hoenn title and make sure his parents know he accomplished that.

"......" Tag's ears go back, hanging down, his tail following similar actions. But he lifts his head up, and gives a nod, "Okay...Go ahead and meet those Gijinkas. I won't ever forget you."

"I won't...neither."

Guile walks off. But Tag...he begins to think.

On top of the mountain, from far as Guile's eyes could see, there is a Gijinka holding a pair of binoculars. This Gijinka is Kinu, a former researcher turned into a scout.

And looking through his binoculars, he comes across a unusual sight. A possible curse impending as well? It's a boy, with light red fine quality clothes and pants on, with a ridiculous poofy hat that made him stand out. And lastly, his red hair sticking out his hat.

It's very unlikely how this boy with very foreigner clothes was born here. Kinu has a bad feeling about this. A very bad one. He knew it would only be a matter of time before this child came to the town. He let his binoculars vanish into thin air, his Magic snapping them off for another time. And he whispered, "I must go tell everyone." As quickly as he came, he was already gone, like a breeze of wind.


author's note: YEAAA...
Tag the Zigzagoon actually WAS my first death in this run, he died to a Voltorb.
now actually that same Voltorb i DID CAUGHT IN GAME, but for the story, you'll gonna have to wait a bit to see them

author's note (5/6/2024): you'll have to see how i deal with Tag's death later down the story :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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