Chapter 61: Lee Vs Joey

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(A/N: Right my lovely reader as an apology, I thought that I would write this chapter, this chapter will have no ultra monsters in it but there will still be quite a bit of action in it, so without further ado, lets get on with the chapter.)

After the duel ended Jax came up to you and gave you the deck back.

Jax: Thank you for letting me borrow that deck it was a deck, that was really high powered the only thing was that I got beaten even with bringing out the ultra monster in that deck.

Y/N: You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, that was quite the duel but here take these cards for when you find your wife and daughter to get your deck back from them.

Just as you hand Jax the cards, you hear his name being called along with a small voice calling daddy.

Y/N: Seems as thought they found you.

Jax: thank you y/n. He sticks his hand out for you to shake which you do then as he lets go he turns towards his wife and daughter and as they head off into the theme park you see his daughter hand Jax a deck box and start crying, you see the man cuddle the little girl while rubbing her head to calm her down and then lifts said little girl onto his shoulders. (A/N: Let me know if you want to see her in the next book because if you do there will be a vote at the end of this one for people to vote on what name you wanna give her.)

You couldn't help but smile at the sight and wish that you could see your own family again. The smile turned into a sad smile.

Mai: Y/N are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah I'm ok just missing my family my sisters and my mum and dad they probably think that I'm dead and I didn't want that grief for them.

Mai: is there anyway that you can bring them here?

Y/N: No I am not capable of that. They have to want to come here and wish hard enough for it as I believe that that's what brought me here, as I wished hard enough for it.(A/N: I know that there's a lot of talking in this but I promise you it will make sense later.)

Mai: lets think about it later as I believe that joey is duelling next. And he is up against Lee.

Y/N: Yeah, well we will have to see what happens and see wether Red-eyes can stand up to blackwings because a deck that can one turn kill against a deck that floods the field and then brings out big Synchro monsters that have a variety of effects.

Mai: Well let's see what happens because it is about to start.

Y/N: Ok.

(Announcer) The next duel is about to start will Joey wheeler and Lee Shadows please report to the duel field.

Joey comes running out of his tunnel and stops on the field out of breath while Lee comes out.

Joey: I look forward to duelling you Lee win or lose, I hope that there's no hard feelings.

Lee: None what so ever Joey and you too mate. (A/N: just imagine that lee is speaking with English with a welsh accent which I still can't write in properly.)

(Announcer): now that the duelists have arrived it is time to get it underway.

Joey/Lee: Duel

Joey – LP 8000

Lee – LP 8000

Lee: First I will activate Skyscraper.

The field started to sprout buildings.

(On the Balcony)

Mai: hold up, I thought Lee uses Blackwings but he is using a different deck, what gives?

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