Chapter 25 A Dark Duel

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter as it is the only chapter where the dark deck comes into play for this chapter only but after that it will make another appearance in a later arc.)

While you and Arlan are walking about you hear a voice.

????: Y/N release me.

You look around trying to find the source of the voice.

Arlan: You ok man?

Y/N: Yeah I am ok but I thought that I heard a voice.

Arlan: Yeah and I think I know why look.

He points to your back pocket.

You reach in and take the dark deck out and it is glowing. As you take it out it starts to shine. And when the light dies down Arlan is nowhere to be seen.

(In your head)

Y/N: Arlan? Where are you?

????: Arlan isn't here right now.

Y/N: And just who are you?

????: you can call me shadow, I am the soul that resides in the dark deck and you refuse to play the dark deck.

Y/N: Yeah because the cards of the dark deck are an abomination and they are the darkest parts of the abilities I gained when I came here.

Shadow: I know, I was born from those dark parts of your heart. but how dare you the dark deck an abomination when you are not of this world and should never have been here in the first place.

Y/N: That maybe true, but if I hadn't come here I wouldn't have found the friends I have now, found my best friend, the love of my life and had the adventures that I have had so far.

Shadow: I know of your friends and I especially know of Mai and when I have taken over your mind and body, I will take great pleasure in making her suffer.

A spark of anger runs through you at Shadow's words.

Y/N: You just crossed the line, when I am done with you, I will expel you from my mind, body and soul and make sure you never harm anyone ever again. So lets duel. I win and I will do what I said and also you will never harm my friends or Mai. If somehow you are able to win then you can have your freedom but I will still fight you and keep you from hurting my friends.

Shadow: If I win I will lock you up in the back of your own mind so you can only watch while I make your friends suffer.

Y/N: Then lets duel.

(A/N: You wont be using your blue-eyes deck in this duel, but your gonna be using another deck for this one duel.)

Shadow/Y/N: Duel.

Shadow: I will go first, I summon Dark Assailant to the field in attack mode and then I place two cards face down and I end my turn.

Shadow: I will go first, I summon Dark Assailant to the field in attack mode and then I place two cards face down and I end my turn

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