Chapter 12 Tea vs. Mai

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(A/N: sorry this going to be a short chapter as the next few are going to be really long ones, I hope you understand. Also I know there maybe some confusion between someone whispering and someone thinking to themselves but if they are whispering it wont be in bold from now on just in brackets. Anyway enjoy.)

You and the gang are in front of the castle and you try talking to Yugi but he says nothing and you see the look of fear inside him.

Y/N: Yugi stop beating yourself up over this, you did the right thing, Tea is right Grandpa would have never wanted to be saved that way. Back in my world I watched episodes back to back because I admired you and all the others battling for something it made me wanna create the current deck that I use now and yes to a point I even admired that jerk Kaiba, but I realised something I began to create the dark magician deck because you and Kaiba are two halves of the same coin and Tea trust me what you said to him he deserved. But trust me you will definitely see his caring side one day.

You gently pick up Yugi and place him on his feet.

Y/N: Yugi don't fear the spirit of your puzzle, he went too far in this duel but talk to him and I am sure you two will work it out.

Yugi: How can you be so sure?

Y/N: ( because Yugi like I said, I have seen this episode before the difference is you didn't have Blue-Eyes Dragon Magician and Kaiba's virus got to your deck but everything that happened in this duel was meant to happen and would have happened either way wether I said anything or not, I even tried to pursued Kaiba to step down from the ledge so you could continue your duel but he wouldn't listen.)

Yugi: Are you sure?

You nod at him.

Yugi: please just give me time, coz right now I don't think I can duel. I'm too frightened of what might happen next.

Y/N: Nothing will happen.

Joey: Come on man you are really starting to scare me.

Joey hoists Yugi to his feet as he says this and then Mai.

Mai: if this is the way you treat your friends then I would hate to see how you treat your enemies.

Tea: It's Mai, Hey Mai how are you?

Mai: I am good thanks how are you? (Do you still have the hots for Yugi?)

Tea says nothing but nods.

Mai: if you guys have earned enough star chips to get into the castle why are you hanging around outside the door?

Joey: Yugi lost some of his star chips to Kaiba and its like he has lost the will to go on and keep duelling.

Mai: So the little guy lost one.

Y/N: Yeah we have tried getting him to snap out of it but he is too afraid to duel.

Mai: Ah I see, well when I lost I thought that it was the end for me but y/n and Yugi saved my star chips. And now I am returning the favour, take them Yugi you deserve them more over for what you did for me. So take them Yugi, earth to Yugi are you there little man? Grr you win some you lose some, get over it, because you lost one little duel your too chicken to duel again so duel me for them chicken boy.

Tea: I will duel you, I will duel you for the star chips instead of Yugi. Yugi needs those star chips and I am going to duel you and win them for him.

Mai: come on tea, you don't have much chance against me as I have more experience.

Tea: I don't care, I will do it anyway for Yugi.

Mai: I accept your challenge.

(a/n: I am going to write down the cards they use in this battle because I can't remember the cards that I had made up for Tea but also I won't be adding any pictures for this duel go to the official yugioh site to watch it for real)

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