Chapter Six: Tokiko Tsuji's Tongue

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I walked down the halls, looking for the others. I had only seen to living people this entire time, but now they were both dead.

I couldn't stop thinking about how I had killed Rin.

Will she ever forgive me?

As I passed a a classroom at the end of the hall, I heard sobbing. I peeked inside and saw someone familiar.

"Hirabayshi-san! I finally found you!!!" I said with relief. But that all drained away when I saw who she was with.

Ken was laying on the floor, Amaterasu's arms still wrapped around him. He wasn't moving, and I could see blood stained his neck, shirt, and some of his pants. Then I noticed what it was from. His eye. It was completely blood splattered, and I assumed he must have been stabbed in the eye and bled to death.

"Ken..." I choked. Amaterasu looked up at me.

"He told me to run... So I did... And it got him killed..." She mumbled.

"Let me guess. He was killed by the monster dude or the ghost bitches."

"A little boy and the zombie dude..."

"Shizuki was killed by one of the ghost brats most likely..." I mumbled.

"She's dead too?!"

"Yeah... Rin too..."

"What?! How'd she die?!" Amaterasu asked with a slight pissy tone.

"Umm... I'm not sure how to explain it."

"You can tell me."

"I... I was possessed and couldn't control myself after seeing Rei dead... So I ran after her and killed her. She left me a note..." I said, pulling the paper out of my pocket.

Amaterasu read the paper and smirked."Oh my goddddd!!!"


"Seriously, I ship it. A lot."

"She's dead now, idiot."


"Want to come along with me? I guess we don't have a choice... We need to escape."


As I walked out the door, Amaterasu rushed back in the room and gave Ken one last hug. I shipped them like hell, but I knew they were just best friends. Besides, Ken liked someone else... Someone Aya would never let him have.


"I couldn't stand being near that pool any longer. Thanks for taking me out while the guys look around, Aya-san." Shiori said, smiling at me weakly.

"No problem. I didn't like it out there either."

We walked out in to the hallway outside the locker room and sat down. I noticed a knife sitting on the floor next to us, but I ignored it, considering I've seen other weapons just laying around.

"What are you guyz uhp tooooo???" Someone hissed. I looked up and saw a tall boy walking towards us, stumbling every step. He held a knife in his hand.


"Everyone diez here so it doesn't makeh a differenze..." The man hissed.

He seems... Drunk...

A small detail I hadn't noticed was the enormous amount of blood on his shirt. But one thing that was good, was that I noticed he was holding a tongue bag. Tokiko Tsuji's tongue bag.

He walked towards us, until I realized we were cornered.

"Shit!" I hissed.

"Aya-san, the knife!" Shiori whispered.

I don't want to kill anyone!!! Why is she suggesting this?!

Hesitantly, I picked up the knife.

"Lhitttlee girl, I'm sure you don't know how to use a knwife." The man said, laughing crazily. That's when I got pissed.

I laughed."Really...?"

I stood up. He lunged at me, so I dodged under his arm. But the knife cut my cheek. I stood behind him and pressed the knife on the front of his neck, my arm locking him in place. He reached behind, and stabbed me in the hand. I screamed and slit his neck in anger, then proceeding to stab him in the chest. I grinned and grabbed the bag.

"Now who doesn't know how to use a knife?" I panted, dropping to my knees.

As expected, Yuuki and Katashi ran out to see what was wrong.

"Aya, what-" Katashi stopped when he saw the knife in my hand and the dead man on the ground.

"What happened, Shiori?!" Yuuki asked, anger in his voice. It seemed that he was angry at her...

"A man came and attacked us... So Aya killed him. He was taunting us and telling us you die here no matter what... But we found the tongue bag!"


"There's more bodies down there. Want to check it out?" I asked Amaterasu, who hadn't spoken since I met her in the classroom. She nodded.

We walked down the corridor and examined the many bodies. Amaterasu seemed shocked, and I guessed she didn't learn too much about this place.

I found other ID name tags.

"Izanami Hamasaki, Keiko Suto, Fumio Saito... Mari Nakahara?!"

The last ID name tag I found was very familiar. She must have dropped it at some point.

"Nakahara-san?!' Amaterasu gasped, grabbing it from me.

"Yeah... Nobody can mistake that hairdo." I chuckled, looking at her photo. Mari's hair was long and an orange color, and they were in two high, curly pigtails.

"Shut up." Amaterasu mumbled, punching me in the arm. I glared at her.

"Let's keep going. Maybe we'll find her."

We started walking around again, and came to the entranceway. We looked at each other, and I opened the door. There was a second wing.

"Shit!!!" Amaterasu yelled.

"Let's go over there... I have a feeling we might find something useful along the way."

I pulled her across the bridge, examining the woods around us. Suddenly, we heard an ear piercing scream.

I looked next to the building and saw a man throw himself off the roof.


"Great! Huh?! Aya, y-your hand!" Katashi said worriedly. I looked down and saw it was bleeding badly. I could tell my cheek was bleeding, too.

"It's nothing!" I assured. Katashi shook his head and whispered something to Shiori and Yuuki.

"Be careful, I have the feeling she might go crazy over being able to kill someone like that."


"...being able to kill someone like that." I finished. I hoped Aya hadn't heard.

I looked back, and saw that Aya had disappeared.

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