Petrichor Cade

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Name: Petrichor Cade

Age: 17

Gender: Agender

Pronouns: She/they

Sexuality: Pan-demiromantic

Species: Naiad

Power: Can manipulate water



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Personality: Naive, vain, forgetful, calm, often wanders off, wistful, philosophical, trusting, optimistic, hopeful, determined, peaceful, clingy, honest, forgiving, authentic, crybaby, apologetic

Likes: Rain, storms, nature, pretty things, the smell of the rain, sitting in the sun, blue, green, history, dancing, art, freedom, plants, peace, swimming, rainbows

Dislikes: Salty foods, hot weather, wearing shoes, orange, bad people, loud music, crowds, strict schedules, cars, seafood, the experiments, feeling trapped, fighting, being on land for too long, humans, photos

Fears: Fire, drowning, germs/illness, small spaces

Strengths: Diplomatic, strong powers

Weaknesses: Her fears, forgetful, weak fighter, overly apologetic, hard of hearing, often has a loud ringing in their ears

Other: Very picky eater, Sometimes refers to themself in the plural and talks to themself, Writes in cursive

Quotes: "I do what I do for those we have lost, and for those we can yet save."

"Haven't you taken enough from me?"

"I sowed the seeds for peace and yet I'm the one who pays for war."

"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time... I think I've forgotten this before."

"Having a soft heart in such a cruel world is courage. Not weakness."

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