Ellis Aadland

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"Have you ever looked fear in the eyes and said, I just don't care."

Name: Ellis Aadland

Nickname: El, Lis,

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Bisexual (male preference)

Personality: Callous, anger issues, sarcastic, crude, reckless, some call him crazy, flirtatious, ambitious, cocky, paranoid, pessimistic,



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Likes: Being in charge, sleeping, warmth, day, birds, collecting feathers, quiet

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Likes: Being in charge, sleeping, warmth, day, birds, collecting feathers, quiet

Dislikes: Jellyfish, grapes, pears, bright lights, dogs, strangers, loud things, crowds, small spaces, being underground, music

Strengths: glaring at people, fist-fighting, his powers, physically strong

Weaknesses: No sense of self-preservation, zones out a lot, anger issues, reckless, emotions

Fears: small enclosed spaces, heights

Powers: Electricity

How'd they wind up there: Kidnapping, 2nd degree murder, assault on a police officer, terroristic threat

Prison sentence length: 60 years, 3 months

Backstory: ...nah


Can't tie his own shoes

He has several motor tics

Surprisingly good at makeup

Can't cook for the life of him

Theme song is Gasoline by Halsey

He can be drunk and still function

Gets migraines way too often

"I give a f*ck. I give lots of f*cks, actually. I'm a prostitute of feelings."

"How many funerals can someone attend before they turn twenty?"

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