∞ Morning after ∞

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This fic really is turning into a slow burn lol (。-'ω-)ー

Tw: Smut, Fluff, bj, hair pulling, idk NSFW warning.
That's about it nothing to hardcore.


The sun was now rising and it gleamed through the small window up on your wall, not much light had ever entered the leagues base as it was not supposed to draw any attention to anyone what so ever. Despite this you grown to always notice it and there for always waking up on time.

You slowly open your eyes rubbing them only to be stopped for a moment noticing something was holding you down a bit.
As you looked over the shock hit you as you saw Spinner, the same guy you were once afraid to make conversation with holding your waist firmly as he was sleeping.

Staring at him a hand covering your mouth, you weren't sure what to do. Wake him up?, go back to sleep..?
As you begin to remember what happend right before you went to bed you were sure your the tips of your ears were visibly red by now.

Spinner moves a little as the light from the window now hit his face causing him to awaken some. You were now fully sat up the strong lizard man holding onto your waist as if it were the one thing he wanted right now.

*You block the sun from hitting his eyes as you try and get out of bed*

But every time you moved it seemed like his hold only got tighter, you knew how string he was during training but this was a whole different level of arm strength. Maybe he was using his quirk to have a tighter hold on you?
The puzzling thoughts of his quirk flooded your mind as you were still trying escape his graspe.


You hear a noise come out of Spinner, like he was getting bugged you were trying to get up.

*You give him a light tap on the forarm*


Since you were to nervous to speak up and try and get him up you instead sat in silence trying to think of any way to wake him up without speaking.


The light moving acrossed his scales caught your immediate attention. The way they glimmerd in the sun a bright emerald green with some purple like undertones aswell.
His hair was a little messy but still looked acceptably silky and light, a nice lilac purple.

It was so tempting to touch him, to feel his scales and take note of the texture. To run your fingers through his hair brushing it out slowly.

It contemplated your mind for a minute but you came to an acception that it was not ok to just touch someone like that. But at the same time... You and him had just kissed the previous night...

The impulsive thoughts ended up winning as you reached out to run your fingers through his hair.
His hair was so soft almost velvety as you touched his hair the wonders and thoughts came about you once more.

What did he use to wash his hair?, How come from all the training you both did the previous day not make his hair greasy or oily? Was it something to do with his quirk?...

Your fascination with mutation quirks always got the better of you but what had stopped these thoughts was a nail lightly digging into your skin.

Startled at the fact you looked down in your lap to find Spinner nudging in closer to your stomach, this made you corroded with butterfly's, your face turning red and your senses heightend.

It tended to happen when you got embarrassed your quirk having an effect on you which only made things more overwhelming at times. Though this time it wasn't as bad as you intended...

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