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It's 1am I'm so tired lol

Tw's: NSFW, smut, fluff, slight gagging?, I'm bad at writing smut. 🤷‍♂️ not proof read btw 💀

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★.

It was morning time as the sun gleamed through the small window above the bed similar to your room. As the sun naturally wakes you up you noticed Spinner doesn't possess an alarm to wake up on time which didn't bother you that much.

You ended up getting up before him like last time, you reached over the side of the bed and grabbed your phone from within your bag and checked the time.

6:00 am..

Since Kurogiri had informed you of no missions this week that means more free time had occurred to you and the rest of the league. What to do was the question..

As you sit and ponder in bed the lizard man laying by your side wakes up and stretches seeming more comfortable than before.. Of course you then remember what you had did last night. Not the best thought to wake up to as you were still quite embarrassed.

"Good morning darling" Spinner remarked as he brushed through his bed head.

"Morning" Your eyes wander up to greet him giving you a warm smile.

He leans over giving you a light kiss lingering for a moment to enjoy your expression. He was dressed in a black tank top and just his boxers on from what you could see.

"Whats wrong angel? Your staring~" His words flowed smoothly almost like they were caressing your ears lightly.

"Oh, sorry" you look away for a moment a hand covering your mouth, he caught you staring..

"I don't mind y,know"
He grabbed your hand interlocking fingers with you as you look over he had a smile on his face welcoming to your presence.

"What do you feel like doing today angel?"
He asked innocently as if he had not just kissed you.

"Kurogiri said there will be no missions you heard him so today's up to you~"

"Whatever your cool with I'm cool with"

You sputter out not having many ideas for what to do today.
We're you dating? Is it official yet?? Those were the only questions running through your head as you held hands with him.

"We could indulge more in what we did last night.. "
He gave a small laugh at your shocked face as you heard his suggestion.

"I'm only joking.. Unless your ok with it of course"
He smiled and ran his fingers through your hair gently.

The idea hit you, a date! Spinner seemed to enjoy spending time with you weather it was formal or not.

"We could.. Go on another date? If you want.. "

His eyes widened and his face brightened up as he gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"You know me so well angel, that sounds perfect"
He grinned and began getting out of bed.

Walking over to his closet he asked you where you wanted to go in which you responded a park date.

"Sounds good I like oak trees, there fun to climb" He let out a small laugh under his breath.
He began to grab some clothes from his closet, a black jacket with some purple and green writing on it as well as a band tee and some jeans.

"You need clothes? I'm sure mine will fit your about the same size as me" He looked back at you on the bed with a sly smirk.

He quite frankly loved the idea of you wearing his clothes he thought it was a cute gesture.

Spinner x Reader 🦎Where stories live. Discover now