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Chapter one

Y/n Addams would miss her brother, mother and father...is what they would like to think but they all knew what would truely happen.

Y/n wasn't someone who waited around and caught up on feelings. No, not at all.

She was sharp, she was fierce and most of all...
she was quick-

-Quick to try find a way to escape the new school her family had enrolled her into, that is.

"I can't believe you won't be coming back next year!" Enid clung to Y/n's arm as she sobbed dramatically. Y/n huffed and rolled her eyes in annoyance, her face remaining in its blank dead glare and her arms crossed over her chest

"After everything we've been through, Y/n-"

"Enid. I'm not dying and besides you have my number. Now get up! You're humiliating yourself" Y/n hissed, pulling up the blonde.

Enid wiped her tears and sniffled.
"You'll call me, won't you?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Y/n blinked and looked at the phone in her hand with a raised brow...huh, once she figures out how to use it first.

Seeing the familiar look in Y/n's eyes Enid sighed and nodded to herself.
"Don't worry, I'll be sure to call you!" She chirped as Y/n deadpanned.

Call? More like spam. She knew exactly how Enid got and chances were that the first few days at her new school she would be bombarded with calls from Enid.

Pulling her suitcase with her, Y/n placed it in the trunk of her families car and sat in the back seat as their family butler drove off towards her next destination her new academy.

A flash caught Y/n's attention as she turned her blank stare towards the window as her reflection seemed to warp into that of a mask.

In morbid curiosity, Y/n leaned forward, she narrowed her eyes at the window.

"Beautiful flower of evil"
Y/n stilled.

Had she finally lost it? She had waited for the day she finally lost her mind but this was nothing like what she expected insanity to feel like.

Talking windows? Really? She could have done better... maybe magpies that hopped around with dangling eyeballs or people foaming at the mouth with disease...

"Truely the one with the darkest soul... mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the-"
Y/n leaned away from the face and sat back as if nothing strange was happening.
How was she meant to react? Scream? Hah! You wish.

"The one guided by the mirror, take the hand and don't let go, for me,you,them... our time is running low. Wednesday's child of woe-"

Y/n briefly glanced at the hand the window extended for her and scoffed.

First a hyde now this? If they thought she would be taking the hand of a mask in the window then..

she assessed her options.
Sunny school for idiots
A strange mask which would most likely get her away from the school.

...they couldn't be more right, she would be taking the hand.

Anything to escape the hellhole she was enrolled into. Sunny academy!? Sounds like a kindergarten. Point is, you would not catch Y/n dead in their uniform nor at their school.

Glancing ahead at her butler through the mirror, her poker face let nothing slip. Looking at her bag and phone Y/n moved her sharp gaze towards the window and grasped the hand in one quick movement managing to surprise the mask at how suddenly she had taken its hand.

With one last breath Y/n's eyes were overcome with darkness as she clutched her bag close to her body.

...I mean, why wouldn't she? It was her most prized possession currently as it had 7 different knives, a couple mechanical parts and equipment along with her typewriter and Thing, Who was most likely spending his time trying to stay away from the knives unless he wanted more scars to his collection.

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