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Y/N stepped out of the carriage and took a deep breath. She looked around and admired the beautiful view of Hogwarts. It was dark and she could feel the cool air on her skin.

She went inside and tried to find Dumledore's office. She hadn't been to Hogwarts before, but Dumbledore had sent a letter to her. Which had instructions on how to find his office. She wandered around the corridors. And heard her footsteps echoing around the empty halls.

Finely finding her way to the office. Y/N stepped inside and looked around. When she heard a voice.

" Oh you found your way in Y/N" She turned and saw Dumledore. He looked calm and had a welcoming smile on his face.

"Yes, although it was difficult to navigate in a big place like this"

Y/N replied. Whit a bit acvard smile. Dumbledore then takes a few books hands them to her and says. "Well, all the other students are in the Great Hall, so without further ado let's get your stuff. So you may join them"

He took a sorting hat and placed it on Y/N's head. Without a second thought, the hat shouted " Slytherin"


Y/n got all her stuff and went to the Great Hall where everybody where. She looked around and saw Slytherins sitting in the left corner of the Great Hall. It was clear to separate the friend groups, even though everyone was sitting at the same table. They were chatting, laughing, and enjoying their meals.

Then she noticed a boy who was sitting all alone. He had black neat and slitly wavy hair. And even though he was sitting it was easy to tell that he was tall. He looked focused and had a cold expression on his face. He didn't seem to mind that he was alone.

"You must be Y/N Ridvil"

(the last name is part of the plot)

She snapped out of her thoughts and turned around. She looked and saw two girls looking at her. She nodded with a smile on her face and sat down across them.

" I'm Harper, Harper William and this is Violet Levis" she said as she pointed to the girl with curly brown hair next to her.

" So where did you study before?" Violet asked Y/n as she placed some food on my plate "At Beauxbatons." She replied.

"Ou I could have guessed that since you look so flawless," Harper said with a playful tone.

They started scattering and Y/n found out that she was going to share her room with them. As the evening continued they all headed to the Slytherin house. Where Violet and Harper show her their room.

Next Morning

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Next Morning

Y/N woke up before everyone else. She wasn't sleepy at all. Probably because she was too excited since it was her first school day. It was going to be difficult to catch up on everything, but something that had to be done.

She put on her uniform, brushed her hair, and grabbed one of her books. She went down the stairs and sat down on one of the green sofas.

She took a comfortable position. And set the book on her lap. The book cover was grey and it had a silver lining. Printed on the cover was a text that read Charms. Y/n started to read as she listened to the rain.

She lifted her head and looked out of the window.

The raindrops hit the window and trickled down. It was foggy outside and the atmosphere was humid. Then she looked at her reflection on the window. She was relaxed and calm.

Suddenly Y/N gasped as another person's reflection appeared on the windon. Y/N turned quickly around and I saw tall a boy looking at her a few meters away. His eyes were sharp and piercing, and they seemed to look through her with an intensity that made her feel uneasy.

She gathers herself as the boy asks " Are you new here?"

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She gathers herself as the boy asks " Are you new here?"

"Yes My name is Y/N Ridvil, She answered and then asked. " Who are you?"

"Tom Riddle" he responds.

His voice was monotonic and he didn't seem to have any emotion on his face. Tom then walks towards the fireplace and lits it up with his wand "Incendio"

Y/N felt a little embarrest and hungry so she decided to go eat some breakfast. She steps out of the Slytherin house but bubs into someone. As she looked up she saw Dumbledore. Dumledero took one look at her. He had a contemplative expression on his face.

"A Y/n I almost forgot since you haven't been here before I thought that it would be good for your house Prefect to show you around" As he set that Y/n felt an arm on her shoulder. It was Tom. " Of course Dumbledore," Tom said. He had a slight smile on his face. But it looked made up.

Tom quickly took his hand off Y/n's shoulder as soon as Dumbledore had disappeared from sight. And said "Come" coldly while walking quickly down the corridor. As Y/N followed Tom down the corridor, she noticed that he walked with a certain grace and confidence that left her in awe. She also observed that his attire was neat and tidy,

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