Incorrect quotes pt.1

99 7 16


Hailey: Ok everyone, I have a dare for you all! Say something that you can commit or do. The best answer wins-
Jake: Theft and fraud.
Sean: Kidnapping and incest.
Luke: Homicide and drug trafficking.
Zander: Suicide and blackmailing.
Milly: Arson and self harm.
Hailey: ....50 dollars....


Sterling mother: I'll be back by 5pm, remember to fold all the laundry!
Jake: I bet I can fold the most amount of clothes!
Milo, with a wide smirk: Oh, I bet so too~
Milo: Too bad bozo!


Zander: Hey Luke....
Luke: Yes darling?
Zander: Do you remember when we first got together?
Luke, with a small smile: Of course I do! It's one of my most precious moments~
Zander, hugging Luke: you remember when Stacy kissed you before we got together?
Luke, now confused: Y-yea....yea I do....
Zander: Do you know what happend after we got together?
Luke, even more confused: Besides us walking back to the club, no....why?
Zander: No more thing though....
Luke, gulping: Yea?
Zander: Do you know if anything happend to Stacy after we got together?
Luke, slowly pushing Zander away: N-no....?
Zander: G o o d

(Later that day)

Zander, kissing Luke's cheek: Love you, bye!
Luke: Love you too babe, bye!
Also Luke, walking away before turning around, just realizing the purpose of earliers conversation with Zander: WAIT THAT WAS 3 MONTHS AGO!! ALMOST 4!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO STACY!?! HOW COME I JUST FIND OUT ABOUT THIS?!?!-


Henry: Hey Zoey?
Zoey: What?
Henry: Thanks for the cookies! They were really tasty!
Zoey: Oh yea the cookies, your....welcome?
Henry: Well bye, see you later!
Zoey: Chao I guess....
Henry, walking away and turning around a corner:
Also Henry: I told you she was going to say "Your welcome"! Now pay me my 20 bucks, dingus!
Liam, slamming the money on Henry's hand: Dude what?!?!
Lia: She learned from the best!
Jake, Drew and Henry: Agreed.
Liam: Lia, darling, I love you....but fuck you!

(U cannot tell me Lia isn't a goldenheart. Fight me bitch)


Sean: Why is Milly carrying so much duck tape....and why is Jake helping her?
Luke: Jake made a bet with her.
Sean: And the bet was what exactly?
Luke: "I bet you can't help me tape Zoey to the school's main entry door".
Sean, highly concerned: And....then?
Luke: They finished the job, but had to make sure Zoey was secured. Not because they were worried, but because they can't have her escaping. So Milly went and got even more duck tape.
Sean: Ok ok, but why are they doing this in the first place?
Luke: Apparently pay-back or something.
Sean: And you let them do it?!?!
Luke: Well yea. Milly said she would stop complaining about me and Zander's PDA for a whole month if we did nothing about the situation.
Sean: What is up with you all....??
Also Sean, sighing: And what was in it for you Hailey?
Hailey: Jake would let me win every argument between him and me for a month aswell.
Sean, face palming: Oh dear god....


Hailey: Can someone give me ideas for a new song?
Sean: Sure!-
Milly: Naur naur rawr.
Jake: Don't feel like it.
Luke: No thanks, I'm good.
Zander: Piss off you motherless bitch.
Hailey: Well need to be rude man....chill out



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