Vent or whtvr tf.

38 1 11

Idfk what to do with myself anymore like i fr don't. I'm tired of me just straight up crying out of nowhere. It's fucking pathetic.

Like i just re-think and look back at my life, start crying like a bitch even tho there's ppl out there having it worse than me. Hell, i don't have a bad life. So why tf am i being so dramatic for?

"It's just stress, dear. I've been there" what stress? Yeh, i'm scared about what i'll do with my life in the future. Maybe that's one of the main *problems*. But what else? The fact that i cry bcs of ppl around me? Pathetic. I see or listen something sad? Ok, maybe i just relate. But to what? Again, my life's decent.

'Take a break. You need it." and for what? To repeat this *loop* again and again? Me taking a *break* won't solve my fucking *problems*. There's no point.

But then again my mom's annoying and so are some of my classmates, my brother. And i sometimes i *hate* some of u guys.

"Stress...stress...stress...stress...stress." School? My home life? My future? Normal for ppl my age ig. So WHY tf am i overreacting for?

I feel hella pathetic rn. Anything i do just full on disgusts me. I'll stay here just to *distract* me from whtvr's *bothering* me.

Have a link to 'Broken' by Lund bcs im relating to some of the lyrics rn:

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