MY FIRST RANT?? 🤯🤯 (not clickbait y'all 🥰)

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Okkkk soooo...if you didn't know already, Rosy, or also known as RosyClozy, another gachatuber in the gacha community, she's fucked up too-

Like bitch LITERALLY APPROVED the sexualizing of MINORS on her discord server??? Like...bffr dude..WHYYY???

So she was on her discord server and I believe her VA's drew pics of the TMF characters in a sexual/explicit way (mainly Elliot's VA). And Rosy literally approved them which means she is supporting. Again, by her approving this she's supporting the action of the sexualization of freaking minors-

And she was saying weird asf crap about Luke. Y'all know how she 'jokingly' simps for him and all. She literally said 'I'm 16 for Luke ❤' or whatever bcs he's 16. Take in mind she's in her late 20s and Luke's 16/17-

she also made a 'fanfic' script. It was mainly jake saying how he wished he was dating Zander and Drew and shit but in really weird and sexual ways ig? Honestly, as a big ass Jander shipper im scared and disappointed with this...

....uhmmm LMFAO WHAT??? 😀😭🤣💀🤚

Ngl i find it funny lol-

So yeh she made pedophilic posts and said so many weird crap too. Like: 'shirtless jake x rosy' and 'Time to make a topless edit of Luke and Jake either side of me' AND OMGG THE FAN ART WAS SO TRAUMATIZING-


Like some of her VA's are angels??? THEY ARE BEING CORRUPTED DUDE- (ok not really bcs Sadie's and Dasiy's VA's were saying the lesbian slur for whatever reason idk about the others BUT OMFG-)

ok but like wtfffffff 🤗🤗🤗


Soooo she was working on Sean's hair re-design i think for the milliot spin-off?? And she gave him some type of hairstyle which i do not recall too well. But i think it was dreads?? (Idfk what that is tbh) Anyway, apparently it was found to be offensive in some way? But as Miho said on her YT vid Rosy prolly is uneducated about some sttuff?? Idk-

Rosy also used the BLM (Black Lifes Matter) symbol for the music competition poster???? Like as a mixed person i am not offended rather triggered bcs wtf? That is super disrespectful and unoriginal. Like it isn't that much work for you to sit ur gross ass on a chair and make ur own shit? U have enough experience so why not use it? Ty very much.

But just imagine a symbol that lots of ppl fought for. Many died and sacrificed themselves to be free, only for her to use it for her selfishness?? Not to mention the majority of the characters r white which doesn't help at all. Harsh pass dude-

And Jason (her husband)...omg-

So he apparently was stalking a 14y/o girl named Abby. He was making fun of some allergy of her's? And calling her shit too i believe and Rosy ended up defended him...ofc she fuckin did 🙄 least they're being weirdos together 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ /JJJJ

Ah yes...HOW LOVELY 😍😍😍 (y'all i'm joking-)

So yep. Tag anyone who may not know about this. Tho do not tag anyone that y'know doesn't want to be involved with this topic or shiz.

But i do hope she acts mature and owns up to her actions and gives us an apology with zero excuses. Feel bad for those who have her membership. Like she used to be so good now she's just blinded by money and crap.

Something i do not approve tho is the fact the all that got leaked even tho it's supposed to be for members only?? (Tho it's good it happend just to spread awareness) Like some of y'all can get arrested for that dude no cap-

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