TMF Rant or whatever

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Basically if tmf acted as their characters or some pt.1

This is just my opinion so don't get annoyed with me if i say something that you don't like


I left my friends from 4 years for people that I've only known for a month. Not just that but I also decided to just now tell my ex-bestfriend that his girlfriend has been cheating on him their whole entire relationship. I can't take "no" as an answer bcs when tmc told me to stay away i was persistant into talking to them even tho they made it clear that they wanted nothing to do with me meaning that they don't need to always forgive bcs they gave me a chance and i threw it in their face. But you can't blame me completly for me trying to ask for forgivness bcs Daisy encouraged me to keep on going. No i'm not using her as an excuse bcs that is true.

I decided to accept Drew's friendship but thought it'd be ok not telling him about my passion for singing just bcs he made fun of /P zailey on our first encounter. I should have taken the risk of telling him about my passion if i was going to accept his friendship.


I force people to do stuff they don't want to. I also only befriend those who have the same passion as me and I can't take a joke. I think I always need to say what's on my mind and I don't ever chillax. I think what I have to say is always important when in reality it's not and i need some sense knocked inside my empty head.

But the only reason i get haters is bcs of my character and the way i act. Same for /P droey. U all just hate us and forget we are fictional. Like dude u r wasting your time telling ppl so. Ik there's others out there that do but u don't see them saying it 24/7.

(That part goes to me. I say i hate hailey but i don't say it ALL the time dawg 💀)


People take my situations too seriously and bring back my trauma as if it was some important event in history. Dawg a lot of ppl have issues and trauma yet most of u couldn't give two forks about their situations. U all also think I give a dingle berry about what others say about me. Bitch idgaf if you think i would care about others hating on me or simping for me. I would love the attention and all of you fighting for that crap is just feeding my sass big time.


Just bcs my character does nothing but talk about my drums and Zander doesn't mean i don't have a backstory. Like it's the same thing with Elliot but u don't hate him that much bcs of Milliot or any other ship or whatever reason. The only reason u hate me is bcs you aren't patient enough to wait and actually see what goes on in my life. Honestly just go lick dirt atp.


You think that bcs i solve all my problems with violence I'm a reckless piece of shit. But you all r ones to talk. Bcs whenever someone doesn't agree or respect you, u find it the need to call them out and say shit about them. Yea it's ok to fight for yourselves but take in mind that there's a limit to that. Plus defenders = slanders vis versa. All of u hate and defend yourselves and others. U cannot tell me it's not the same thing. Y'all should be called "deflenders" instead for crying out loud.

And stop bringing back that time i slapped jake. All of u should worry about other stuff dawg. Some of u say he didn't even deserve it and it's mostly his "defenders". Well he did. He said horrible stuff about my friends and i could not sit there and watch that happen. I didn't even know he didn't meant it. Be honest bcs if it happend to you you would defo get mad at that shit. Y'all just r real hypocrits.


I don't really get hate but if I did it would only be bcs i say i'm in love with an inanimate object. Y'all think i actually would have feelings for a broom 💀. What about Luke and Zander? Zander has maximum care for his piano, same with Luke with his drums. Just like me with my broom. Stop saying i'm in love with it. But i don't care if u say it as a joke bcs it's actually mainly just for fun.


So yaur that's my rant i suppose. Anywaie chao ❤❤

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