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Some of y'all may know AJ (my crush). So, something happend regard to the girl he is crushing on and possibly is now his ex crush. Idrk if he (most likely) stopped liking her before or after this but yeh.

Let's call her by her inicials: EW (how convenient lmao)


So, after me and my friends returned from our revision spot at the club we went to our area at school. AJ along with his friends and EW were revising some more for the biology test and so did me and my friends.

She then out of nowhere started to be a fucking whore, calling him a son of a bitch and screaming at him. She wished death upon his parents, insulted him and a lot of his family members and even told him to khs. She even threw a booklet at him in which missed his face. All of this just bcs he ignored her...

I feel so fucking bad for AJ bcs he didnt deserve that. As a person who loves him deeply, it hurt me so bad just the sight of him getting called all that crap. Idk how she has friends but i hope that all of the things she said to him happen to her. What's worse is that she victimizes herself a lot and even is a fucking bitch towards teachers. Her crocodile tears are so pathetic istg.

Idk but it seemed to have hurt him a lot bcs at one point he looked quite sad but i don't blame him for it.

1 vote = justice for AJ

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