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I stepped out of my car and stood in front of the Kapoor mansion for the event with my assistant, Adarsh, and my bodyguards

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I stepped out of my car and stood in front of the Kapoor mansion for the event with my assistant, Adarsh, and my bodyguards.

"Sir, let's go inside," I heard Adarsh's voice, and I nodded in response, moving forward towards the mansion. Suddenly, we were bombarded by the media and reporters, but my bodyguards cleared a path for me inside the mansion.

As soon as I entered the mansion, Mr. Kapoor welcomed me. "Welcome, welcome, Mr. Rajvansh. I'm so glad you're here today," he greeted me with his warm smile and shook hands with me. I replied in my professional tone, "It's a pleasure, Mr. Kapoor."

He guided me inside to the hall where the actual event was taking place. I met numerous businessmen, and everyone greeted me, shook hands, and engaged in professional conversations. However, my eyes were solely searching for her angelic Nain.

While I was searching for her, I suddenly saw her talking to a few people. My breathing hitched, and my heart started beating fast at her elegant appearance.

My entire system reacts completely differently from usual whenever I see her or feel her presence anywhere near me.

After excusing herself from them, she started walking towards me. In no time, she stood in front of me with a confident smile on her strawberry lips. She no longer seemed like the timid kitten afraid of falling; now she radiated power and had her own aura. "So confident, so bold, I love her." I muttered to myself.

"Hi, Mr. Rajvansh," she extended her right hand for a handshake, to which I responded with the same gesture. Feeling her touch in my palm created a sudden rush in my body. Her professional tone, confident demeanor, bold nature, and elegant appearance just made my heart race faster. My thoughts were consumed by her when we were interrupted by Mr. Kapoor.

"Mr. Rajvansh, I believe it's the appropriate time for us to discuss and finalize the alliance and the deal." He said, snapping out of my thoughts about Siya. Siya and I nodded in agreement and followed Mr. Kapoor.

Three of us went up to his study for further discussion. Mr. Kapoor gestured for me to sit, and then both of them settled into their respective seats.

"Did you share information about the alliance between our companies with Miss Siya?" I asked Mr. Kapoor. He replied, "Yes, Mr. Rajvansh." Then, I turned to Siya for her confirmation, to which she nodded.

"Did you tell her about the deal for the alliance to be successful?" I questioned him again. He replied, "Actually, Mr. Rajvansh, I haven't discussed about the deal with her yet."

Upon hearing his answer, I asked Mr. Kapoor, "May I know the reason why you only shared half the information?" He stiffened in his seat at the sound of my stern voice. But before he could answer, Siya asked, "What sort of deal are you both talking about?" She had a frown on her beautiful face.

Her dad cleared her doubts, saying, "Actually, Siya, Mr. Rajvansh wants you for the successful alliance between both the companies." Upon hearing his statement, her face lost all emotion, and her dad continued, "And I have already accepted the deal. From now on, you're his." Hearing his last words, she looked towards her dad with numerous questions, and her angelic eyes held the sense of betrayal by her dad, but she didn't voice up any objections against the deal we had planned.

The glare from Mr. Kapoor was enough to make her turn her gaze down. "Are you okay with the decision?" he asked. She replied, "Yes."  looking at me with no emotions on her face.

I was shocked because I expected her to revolt, but she didn't. Instead, she accepted after just a glare from her dad, which made my assumptions clear that there are a lot of things wrong between this father and daughter.

Listening to her reply, Mr. Kapoor seemed overjoyed. His happiness knew no bounds. As for me, I was fine with her acceptance without any revolt, so I just nodded, showing no expression.

I was looking at her expressionless face as she lowered it, but I could sense that something was really wrong. Before I could ask anything, Mr. Kapoor spoke, "Any planning regarding the deal?

"Day after Tomorrow will be our marriage, I blurted out. This caused both the father and daughter to turn their faces towards me with shocked expressions. However, the greedy man quickly changed his expression to a happy one and replied, "Yes sure, we have no problem with it, right, beta?" She simply nodded her head.

Right now, I can't think of anything. I just want her to be taken out of this hell. I can see the pain clearly in her eyes. The only way I can do that is to make her mine and take away all her rights from him.

I know my approach is completely wrong, but I will strive to correct it later. The most crucial thing is to unravel the mystery behind the pain she harbors in her eyes and to eradicate it from her life entirely.

With a few seconds of silence, she quickly left the room. At her sudden departure, I turned my gaze towards him with a stern expression, frowning. However, Mr. Kapoor plastered a smile and defused the situation by saying, "No worries, Mr. Rajvansh, she is fine with it."

I too rushed behind her without letting her father continue further. I followed her until she reached near her room. Before she could close the door behind me, I swiftly turned her around, closed the door, and stood between her and the closed door.

She didn't react at all. Instead, she was staring straight into my eyes with no expression on her face, but that mysterious pain was clearly visible in her angelic eyes.

"Siya..." I was about to say something when she placed her palm on my chest and said,  "just leave," with a stern tone.

I didn't stretch further and was about to leave when she spoke again, "I won't back off, don't worry. I will marry you, Mr. Rajvansh," with a defeated look. I nodded and left, heading towards the hall.

In the middle, I found Mr. Kapoor waiting for me with a worried look, as if I had discovered his wrong intentions.

"Marriage is final, Mr. Kapoor, I declared, to which he nodded with a smile, vanishing all his worries. I shook hands with Mr. Kapoor one last time for the day and left his mansion. My mind was completely filled with thoughts about Siya and her eyes holding pain.

I left the Kapoor mansion and headed towards my parents' place.

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