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I parked the car in front of our mansion, vanishing all my frustration

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I parked the car in front of our mansion, vanishing all my frustration. I turned my gaze towards my wife, who was sleeping. Seeing her beautiful face sleeping peacefully made my lips curve up into a smile. Caressing her face lovingly made her nuzzle more into my palm, which made me giggle at her antics.

I stepped out of the car and jogged to her side. I picked her up in my arms and kissed her forehead. My beauty is still sleeping more comfortably in my arms.

I entered the mansion with her in my arms and headed towards our room. I gently placed her on the bed, slowly removed her jewelry, and then covered her with a duvet. "She is a heavy sleeper; she doesn't get disturbed easily, unlike me, who is such a light sleeper."

I sat beside her, recalling her smiling face as she shared and reminisced about her memories with Rooh, but my heart clenched, feeling a sharp, piercing pain which I covered up with a smile for Siya as my eyes landed on every corner of the garden where Rooh and I had once shared memorable moments. Then, one fateful day, everything we had built together was destroyed right in front of my eyes, and I was powerless to stop it.

Even though that place triggered memories of my past, I tried my best to control myself from falling apart in front of Siya. Anything related to Rooh still shatters me into pieces that I can't seem to put back together. That's the sole reason I keep myself away from anything that triggers my past with Rooh, but Siya is an exception.

I stood up and strode towards the door. I glanced one last time towards Siya and closed the door before walking downstairs. I informed the household staff to take care of Siya until I return home.

I walked out of the mansion and soon settled myself inside the car. I started driving towards the garden because I wanted to feel every bit of pain, completely break myself today and form a new self for my Siya. If I don't, my future will be affected, and I would never want to harm my future, my present which is my Siya because of my past. I want to heal Siya, not break her with my pain.

As soon as I stopped my car in front of the garden, my heartbeat raced, making me feel dizzy. Despite this, I managed to step out of the car, telling myself, "I can't run away anymore. I need to face it." Since I lost her, I have been avoiding everything connected to her.

"I fear breakdowns. I fear Siya witnessing my breakdown. Now, only for her, I need to break and reform myself completely again."

As I approached the garden, a flood of flashbacks overwhelmed me, intensifying my inner pain with each step and each moment. My feet halted, and I stood still, placing my palm on my chest, rubbing it as I tried to grasp for air and ease my intensified pain.


"Adi, kaha leke jaa rahe ho?" Rooh muttered in between her giggles as I dragged her towards my favorite place.

"Rooh, kitne sawal puchte ho? Please keep quite until we get there." I replied, focusing on the road ahead.

"Ok, fine," she agreed, listening to me, and stayed silent. This made me look back at her, smiling. Rooh is the only girl in my life who agrees with whatever I say and do. "I just love my Rooh."

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