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Sunday morning , I was sitting on the dinning table waiting for her , today we both don't have our work so I decided to spent the whole day with her . After our marriage , it will be the first time spending  the whole day with her " I am really excited for the day " muttered this when suddenly I realized that she might have other plans too but I shrugged off the thought and reassured myself "koi na ,let me ask her first then I will decide whether to be sad or super happy". While I was busy in my own thoughts I saw her coming downstairs wearing her comfy clothes , busy in her phone " siya sambhalke, baad me phone chala lena" I raised my voice with concern because she seemed so busy with her phone while walking down the stairs . Listening to me she raised her head up to look at me then immediately she kept her phone inside her pocket and by now she is standing infront of me smiling and sat on the chair wishing me " good morning adi" oh my my did she just wished me by my nickname . I am loving this smiling laughing loving caring dominating siya . I am falling for her more with each and every change she is showing it to me . I smiled and wished her back " good morning princess ".

While we were having our breakfast I asked her "siya you got any plans for today" she looked at me with confuse frown" plans? Today is Sunday adi and I have got any work plans" listening to her innocent reply I giggled "I am not talking about any work plan or any office work" listening to me she replied" then?" Still looking same confuse and I don't know why she didn't get me yet about weekend plans." Siya mera baccha I am asking you about your weekend plans , like you have got any plans with your friends or something?" By the time I completed my question , her eyes hold some kind of pain , her expression changed  and she lowered her head trying to focus on her food without saying a word." What's wrong princess?" I asked her with concern in my voice. Listening to me she turned her gaze towards me with same pain in her eyes clearly visible but I don't know what did I say again that brought this pain in her eyes. " I never had any friends even now I don't have any and during weekends I just sleep only to escape from this cruel world so no plans for weekends" she completed her sentence with bitter smile . By her words I could sense the pain within her , I wanted to know the reason behind not having friends but I didn't ask her because I want to see her happy not sad and discussing this topic will surely make her more sad . " koi na mein hun na " I said with cheerful smile waiting for her response to which she just nodded with her beautiful smile that never fails to flutters my heart. " now complete the breakfast, have your medicine then will talk" I told her to which she again she nodded .

We both completed our breakfast and I made her have her medicine then now we both are in my room. I held her palms with mine, she looked at me with her angelic eyes waiting for me to say something "siya, from now ownwards every weekend it will be only us ok?" She replied " ok" innocently " and whatever you want to do, you just place your demand , we will do that whatever and whenever you wish to . Ok?" Again I asked her she nodded innocently. " Now tell me what you wanna do today?" I asked her ." I want to do many things but I don't know you will accompany me or not" she said lowering her gaze waiting for me to reply .I made her look towards me and said " siya I already told you I will do whatever you will say, your orders are my command" her cheeks flushed red with my reply ." Ok list down the things we both gonna do today " I said.

" first we will start with skincare because weekdays we don't get much time to take care of ourselves because of our work so first will be taking good care of our skin." said patting her cheeks sadly.
" second we will create a comfort place anywhere in our huge mansion because you know I always wanted to create a comfy place with someone but I never had one to fulfill this wish of mine so today we will do it" she said with excitment quite visible in her eyes. she is looking so cute making the hands moves, face expressions while explaining me that I just wanna kiss her so bad in between her talks but never mind I need to control my desire. Each and every time she was telling me things she was even counting it on her fingers making her look even more adorable,  she was continuously speaking and I was looking at her with adoration .

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