Costumes and Choices

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"No," said Awana, "I'm pretty sure this is how you tie it." The woman who had sold them the Wild robes had given them instructions on how to wear them. She'd been very specific about the knot.

"But that knot..." said Annabelle looking at her own tie. "There are much better knots."

They were in the same locker room where Orea had discovered Annabelle the night of the finale, so it almost seemed natural when she heard, "They tie the knot very specifically." Orea stepped out of the shadows just like last time. "While Awana's way is one very specific way to tie the kimono, there are only two times you do it that way."

"Orea," said Awana, gulping, "what are you doing here?"

Annabelle's mind raced as she tried to think of an explanation they could give their friend. "I think she's some kind of fashion fairy, Awana. She hides in the locker room till someone dresses wrong and then pops out to help them."

Orea giggled at the comment. "That would be fun, but I just got done swimming." A sad expression blinked across her face as she added, "I prefer the pool all to myself."

It was early in the morning on a weekend, and the fitness center at the school was deserted. Which was why Annabelle and Awana were there. Orea was in the buff, the swimwear of Home, with only a towel draped around her neck. She transformed the towel into a makeshift hood in a swift, almost reflexive gesture. It shrouded her damp hair, casting shadows over the scars etching her head. Annabelle's gaze noted scattered scars across Orea's torso, marks concealed beneath layers of fabric normally.

"Why are you two dressed in Wild kimonos?" Said Orea, "I assume you aren't getting married."

"Married?" said Awana, as Orea walked over to her.

"Yes, that is the only time a Wild Woman would tie that knot. On her wedding day." Orea picked up one end of the robe belt and tugged. The whole robe came loose and Orea caught it as it fell off Awana. "It's also a joke to teach stupid Rainbow girls to tie it this way." Orea said, "Unlike a bride, you are wearing very suspicious black leotards under your kimono. What are you two up to?"

Orea expertly flipped the kimono on and tied it with a different knot. Annabelle and Awana looked at each other then mumbled. "Uhhh, nothing. Why are leotards suspicious?"

Orea stared at them and said nothing. Annabelle wanted to say something, but her mind was blank. Awana must have been stumped too.

"The Wild teach us Rainbows the wedding knot so if we show up in their area and are obnoxious, they can pull on it and embarrass us. They rightly assume we wear no more under our clothes than they do."

She moved to a bench and sat down before continuing, "I've seen you two change before and you wear normal undergarments. So the fact you are wearing those..," she squinted at Awana, "...what are those? I thought they were dance leotards, but the fabric is wrong. What is it?"

"Kevlar," said Awana. "We use them in Obstacles."

"That's right Sophia got you punishment in Space Girl Obstacles class." She got a far off look and then said, "Obstacles and Infiltration, if I remember correctly." She locked eyes with them, "Did the Space Girls order you to infiltrate the Wild?"

"No, No" said the two girls.

"They know nothing about this," said Annabelle. "It's something Awana came up with on her own."

"Thanks, A-bell. Throw me in front of the bus, will you." Annabelle could see the wheels turning way too fast in her friend's head. "We're just doing it for practice."

"Bullshit," said Orea. "Tell me the truth."

Annabelle look at Awana hoping she knew how to get out of this situation without having to explain everything. Awana's expression said there was no answer forthcoming. She sighed and said, "Orea, it might be better if you didn't know about this right now."

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